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Keys trip photos are here!!!

Started by MommaMia, Apr 12, 2004, 11:06 AM

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My membership ran out just before I went on our trip to the keys last week.  I spent a fair share of time today trying to get renewed and logged back on.  It was rough, but with Steve's help I'm here again!

Oh... And BTW and FYI... That $5 credit coupon that we got a while back to use in the store is also good towards membership purchase!!!  SO, I am here for another year for just $14.95!!!  Dirt cheap for the great times and folks I get to keep company with here!

Our trip to the Keys was great!  We had sun all week long in the Keys!  Snorkel, snorkel, snorkel.... We loved Bahia Honda State Park.  Nice white sandy beaches.  Snorkeling, we saw many conchs... one was a Goliath Conch... really huge.  Also a huge flounder, giant starfish and many little tropicals.   Sea slugs were plentiful in the seaweed beds.  They were pretty.  A greenish with spots.  The girls loved them.  They squirt pink ink when you pick them up.  One of the biggest highlights for the kids was jumping of the old wooden dock at the campground.  Boy did THAT wipe them out!  Even Noah was jumping and he's just 3!
I fished a couple times.  No catches.  Saw 2 huge Manta rays swimming around. So beautiful!  Pics will be at our website soon.

I love camping but, ahhhhh it feels good to be home!


Cindy, sounds like you-all had a great time!  Nothing like a little relaxation with silvery Florida sand between your toes--it's a great cure for almost whatever ails ya.

And we are glad you are back from camping and equally glad you have found your way back home here to the board :)  :S :W


I was wondering that you left because of me !  :J  :J  :J  Glad to hear you had an excellent trip ! Can't say that I am not jeoalous but hey, who wouldn't be :)

Now catch up with all the posts you missed !


It's good to have you back.  It's amazing how a little vacation is so refreshing. ;)


Welcome Back!!!!


What, no pictures ?????


Quote from: birolWhat, no pictures ?????

the PRESSURE!!!!

 I have out of town guests this week.  I'll get to it when it's quiet.  Hope you can hang on a little more!


Come on lady, we gave you exactly couple of days or somefing ! Get your act together, what is more important your family and friends or us ?

 :D  :J  :W  :!

Quote from: MommaMiathe PRESSURE!!!!

 I have out of town guests this week.  I'll get to it when it's quiet.  Hope you can hang on a little more!


Quote from: birolCome on lady, we gave you exactly couple of days or somefing ! Get your act together, what is more important your family and friends or us ?

 :D  :J  :W  :!

You ARE like family and of course you are friends!  Tomorrow... I promise!  (just don't hold me to my promise, ok?)



Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr............  :D  :W


Quote from: MommaMiaYou ARE like family and of course you are friends!  Tomorrow... I promise!  (just don't hold me to my promise, ok?)

I don't think this is a promise. :(


Oh, she will post them ! WE WILL MAKE SURE SHE DOES !!! RIGHT CINDY ???

 :J  :J  :J


Ok.... DH just added Keys trip photos to our family website...

Here they are!


It was so beautiful there on that trip.  I wish I could have been there with all of you and soaking up that wonderful sun.  All I can do is dream......sigh.