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Securing the PU while towing ..

Started by birol, May 19, 2004, 11:48 AM

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I will be staying a nigth somewhere (probably a motel) when I am getting the PU to its home. How do I secure it to the hitch so that people do not just unhitch it and drive off with it ? Will a padlock do ?


Well, I think that there is no gurantee that anything will stop a thief if he is really determined, but I would put a padlock through the hole that is on the hitch lever--the one that you push down to lock the hitch onto the reciever ball.
I hope that makes sense! :eyecrazy:  I'm excited for you Birol to get your N2U PU home!!! :-()


If you are only staying overnight and plan on taking off first thing in the AM, just park it attached to the Windstar.  Most motels have a long spot even if it's against the fence or something.  There usually is some sort of a restaurant within walking distance.
Just another option.  


Birol I have a locking receiver pin and a locking coupler pin.  They came as a set.  I bought them at Wal-Mart in the towing section of the store.  Both pieces are keyed alike on the set I have.  A pad lock will work fine to lock the coupler to the TV.  I wouldn't worry too much about anyone stealing the PU.  What are the odds of it being stolen the first night you own it? :yikes:


Quote from: birolI will be staying a nigth somewhere (probably a motel) when I am getting the PU to its home. How do I secure it to the hitch so that people do not just unhitch it and drive off with it ? Will a padlock do ?
You are doing what???? Staying in a motel on your way home with your popup?? All this time and you are going to pass up a chance to sleep in it on the way home?? On the maden volyage?? Bring Milo, he can protect it.
And the reason for the motel is??? I have heard a lot of excuses for doing something like that but I have never heard a good reason. Please enlighten me Birol:eyecrazy: !!!


on the way to pick it up George ! Coming back, if it is clean enough I will sleep in it :)

Quote from: chasd60You are doing what???? Staying in a motel on your way home with your popup?? All this time and you are going to pass up a chance to sleep in it on the way home?? On the maden volyage?? Bring Milo, he can protect it.
And the reason for the motel is??? I have heard a lot of excuses for doing something like that but I have never heard a good reason. Please enlighten me Birol:eyecrazy: !!!


Quote from: birolon the way to pick it up George ! Coming back, if it is clean enough I will sleep in it :)
Now I'm confused.  If you'll be staying in a motel on your way there to pick it up, you won't have the PU hitched up for anyone to steal...:confused:


Good question!

Why not bring the MOAT and save money, cost ya $12 to camp at Wells SP in Sturbridge Mass (near interestion I-90 & I-84)... Do that both ways!!!


Need to lock the PU to the windstar on the way back home.

Setting up the MOAT for one night is too much work for a single person. I will be tired and cranky :):):)


Quote from: birolNeed to lock the PU to the windstar on the way back home.

Setting up the MOAT for one night is too much work for a single person. I will be tired and cranky :):):)

Sounds like a padlock through the release lever on the coupler is a good solution.
You can lock it that way if it's still hooked up to the van or if you need to unhook you can lock up the release lever still.


If you plan on bringing lock with you, you may want to bring 2 different sizes.  The lock we used on our old PU did not fit the new PU.
Did you name you PU "George"?  What brought that on?


Quote from: angelsmom10If you plan on bringing lock with you, you may want to bring 2 different sizes. The lock we used on our old PU did not fit the new PU.
Did you name you PU "George"? What brought that on?
Birol and I use different names for each other each time we talk on AOL IM.:eyecrazy: Right Fred??


Right Mike !

I asaw the set TLHDOC mentioned, woowsers ! 69 Canuck money ! I think I will pass by a US Wallmart and see if I can pick something up cheaper. I will bring a padlock with me anyways.

I will also get one draw bar and two balls, 2" and 1=7/8", if they don't fir I will return whatever I do not need. I do not ahve to rush to the local wallmart there , hoping these will do fine.

Quote from: chasd60Birol and I use different names for each other each time we talk on AOL IM.:eyecrazy: Right Fred??


Birol the set I have came from Wal-Mart.  It was a gift from DH.  It was around $25. :)


Sounds good ! I will pick one up at Wallmart, it had two rod pieces and another piece  I forgot .....37.5 C$ is a good price for it.

Quote from: tlhdocBirol the set I have came from Wal-Mart.  It was a gift from DH.  It was around $25. :)