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He is always in our hearts

Started by CajunCamper, Aug 04, 2004, 12:28 PM

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Hi everyone, I am CajunCamper a longtime friend of this site. I haven't been here for a long time and perhaps some of you know why.

Last October 17th my 10 year old son Alex was diagnosed with leukemia. After going through two rounds of chemo the doctors were able to get him into remission. Because of the type of leukemia and the difficulty getting him into remission, he was scheduled for a bone marrow transplant because without it he was almost sure to relapse. The transplant went well, he was on his way, but because his imune system was so low he contracted a virus and was never able to recover.

Alex died on April 1st of this year. Our lives have forever been changed. I spoke with Dave back in April and asked if I could write an article for the magazine dedicated to Alex and his love for camping and Dave very graciously said yes. I am just now at a place where I am able to start writting the article, so maybe a few issues from now you will get a chance to meet and get to know Alex just a little through the article.

Alex was camping with us just two weeks before he was diagnosed and just four weeks before he died, he asked me to help him plan our next camping trip.

Just two weeks ago I opened up our pop up for the first time since that October camping trip and slowly walked inside. I sat there by myself and cried the tears of a dad that has lost one of his precious children and wondered if I would ever be able to go camping in it again. After some time, I began to smile as I remembered all the wonderful times we had in that camper as a family. I thought of all the places we had been and how we grew together as a family because of our shared love for camping. Even though it will be hard on that first outing without Alex, we have decided that the best way to honor Alex would be to continue camping in that pop up as a family.

Our Faith teaches us that Alex is at home with our Heavenly Father right now and I wouldn't be surprised if he has already picked out a few prime camping spots in Heaven for us.

Oh how my heart aches to be near him again, but for now we just have to continue to do the things that help us feel close to him. And to feel close to Alex, we must continue camping.


I have been checking the caring bridge  link for a long time. So sorry for your family's loss. I pray for your family often.


I also have been checking the Alex's Caring Bridge Page. I have never written in your log but I have been faithfully praying for you all during this sad time for you.
Glad you came back to the site and are going to continue camping.


Our thougnts and prayers have been with you and will continue.


The thought of you camping without your son brought tears to my eyes as I know how special camping can be.  To camp without your son WILL be hard, but Alex would definitely want you to continue to camp so that you can continue to remember all the great times you had -- and to have more great times in his honor.
 Take care of yourself and your family and know that we are all here for you if you need to "talk".  I look forward to your article and getting to know Alex better.



It's so good to see you back!  I look forward to your article in the magazine.  I have also been checking the caring bridge site.  I'm glad to see you're on the path of getting on with your lives and that will take some time.  I'm sure Alex will be there every camping trip in your hearts and in spirit.  He was such a precious boy.
Ray & Brenda


I kept track of his progress, and did lots of praying.  When he went to be with the Lord, I was absolutely bawling.  I can't even imagine what you and your family had to go through.

I look forward to the article dedicated to Alex.  I will continue to say prayers for you while you recount the memories on paper.

Know that your family has been and will be in our thoughts.


CC, so sorry for your loss......
I am a dad and lost my dad. So I can sense your pain but do not understand it.
GOD is good and he always knows better than us.
I today was a pall-bearer for my friend of 30 years..Tony, he leaves behind a wife who he would have been married to 27 years Thursday August 5th, a 16 year old son and a 20 year old daughter.. He a had a diasese that had him down for the last 14 years and the last 11 days he was on life support until his wife could get him off. I was able to be in the room with my wife and his sister and his wife and uncle when he passed. His mom had stepped out to eat as he was breathing on his on around 1pm monday..But today he is also in a better place..
I know you loved our NC mountians, hope you can make it back this way and see God's glory in the hills of NC and remember the good times. I have walked those roads these last few days. It is hard to face tomorrow, as we get older each year things change and life goes on. Just remember the hand of God is always with you.
in my prayers,


Cajun, Thanks for sharing Alex with us through the website and in a future article. It's good to see you back and we reach out with all of our hearts to you and your family. Mark, Janett and Jessica.


I too had been following Alex's progress, but had somehow lost track and wasn't aware until just now how sadly things had turned for you.  I always admired the comfort and strength you took from God's word.  I could see how strong He kept you all, even at your weakest moments.  Alex was truly blessed to have been loved by so many wonderful, caring people that were there for you all when you needed them most.  I have said many a prayer for Alex as I was following his journey and tonight I will say another one for him.  And I'll say one for all of your family, that each of you finds the strength to make each and every day as joyous as the days when Alex was with you.  But, and I'm sure you already know this, Alex is still with you and always will be.  Just keep doing those happy, wonderful things (like camping) that brought joy to all of you.  Alex will be there with you!


BTW... I KNOW Alex recieved many many wishes from all over, buy how many push pins has he collected on his map?


It's good to have you home again.


Cajun.....I'm ashamed to say I too had lost track of the status of Alex. I had followed his progress for quite a while too.  I just read your message about Alex and have just sat here and cried as I read your message several times for both your loss and your strength and faith.  As a parent, I can't imagine the pain you must have.  I am so glad to see you back among  your camping friends and hope being here helps at least a little. We'll think of Alex and say another prayer for you and your family as we toss a log on the campfire.  

God bless you and your family...


Here I am...sitting in the middle of the hospital (at work), just surfing the net. But being the big bully that I am, I am still fighting the tears. What a bittersweet story, that sounds like it is ending/beginning beautifully!

I just bet Alex is POINTING to some sites here on God's Earth that he hopes your camper will be soon backed into!



So sorry to hear of Alex's passing.  I broke down big time when I read about you going into the camper the first time and crying.  I cannot imagine your pain, it would be far worse than anything I could think of, but I will pray for you and your family.  He will always be with you in spirit when you camp as you remember the good days.  God Bless