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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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 Civil_War_BuffHey Dave,
  You did get a free tank of gas when you drove it off the lot didn t you.If you can call it free.

Ab Diver

 Ca-girlHey Tania--  received my copy of Ray s video. Thank you very much! I ll get the other one to it s owner as well.
 On a different note--  the painting has gone well. No more hornet diving needed, as I managed to get every last one of the little buggers. The house now has two coats of paint, brushed into every nook and cranny. (That T-111 siding is like trying to paint a Thomas s English Muffin. [:@] ) The trim work is coming along nicely. The original bottom-end *flat* paint  that was barely " dusted"  on by the developer has been replaced with a high-end satin paint. Man, what a difference in the appearance! It d be a good time to sell. [;)]
 Ok, back to work on the details of finishing the job. *Then* I can worry about getting the camper ready for use. Looks like most of the gang is out having fun or working overtime-- I haven t seen the NNC forum s this quiet in a loooong time.
 BTW: s posed to be 105ΓΈ here in a couple days. Glad I m not scheduled to paint *this* week. Good time to head down to the coast or " up to the mountains" , eh? [;)]

Red neff Barchetta

 Civil_War_BuffTania -
 I also received my copy of the video.  Thanks for sending them out!  Amy got a kick out of it as she was putting our youngest to bed when it was shown at the Gold Rush rally.  Rita s giggles bring on a smile every time and I love Larry/CWB s comment about how he s going camping with some people he met on the internet, lol.  That is so true, Amy made me and our youngest go to our first rally (Woodson Bridge) by ourselves.  I guess she figured she d only lose 2 of us instead of the whole family!  Actually, she had already started working.
 Dave 521 -
 Congrat s on the new truck!  Can t wait to check it out.
 Dave Diver -
 Glad to hear the painting is almost done.  I m sure it looks great.

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffTania--we got our videos too.  Thanks.  We are going to send one of them to G s dad, who was the original PU camper in the group.  He bought a used one last year, but alas, his wife wouldn t tow it and he doesn t see well enough to tow it himself.  Maybe when we are back there in early October, we can invite him over to spend the night.  I think that he would get a kick out of it.
 gsm x2


 Civil_War_BuffUmmm...just happened to see this on ebay (be sure to scroll down to look atthe picture)
 Other than the words " Nick-Neff-Cough"  being absent and the camper being orange and not green like in the NNC logo, does anyone else smell copyright infringement?  (And knowing this bunch, something tells me it might be us!) [:o]


QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
 does anyone else smell copyright infringement?  (And knowing this bunch, something tells me it might be us!) [:o]

 BINGO!!!!!!! I m just glad that our " Lawyer"  caught it.  I belive that the picture was public domain, I have seen it before,  so there is no real infringement (I don t think), but it certainly isn t unique either.  I am not a Trademark lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night!

Ab Diver

 Civil_War_BuffQuestion: Has anybody seen my pop-up keychain? We lost it at the group photo at the Gold Rush.


 Civil_War_BuffI m back!!!  Rather tired after driving from Port Angeles, WA to S vale in two days, but had a great vacation.  We left home on Thursday the 7th at about 4:30PM  hit a little traffic getting out but not bad.  Crossed over the Benicia Bridge (Why did they spend the last few years and tons of money fixing the old bridge and now builiding a new one?) and the wind was horrible.  We passed a guy changing his spare tire on the side of the freeway when he started waving at me and pointing to the trailer.  I looked back and my kayak had flown off and was bouncing down the freeway.  By the time I could get pulled over I was about a half mile from where my kayak was sitting.  Luckly it did not hit any cars and the wind blew it to the side.  Supprisingly there was no damage at all to the kayak.  Anyway the rest of the trip to Hat Creek was fine.  Spent a few days at Hat Creek, did some fishing and kayaking.  Snagged two good size trout but my line snapped twice.  Next day I bought new line and restrung the reel.  Left Hat Creek on Monday the 11th.  Wanted to get an early start but just could not get myself in pack up mode.  I think Larry influenced me in that way.  Pack up a little, drink a little, pack up some more, make lunch, pack up some more.........  So we finnaly left and headed north.  Went through Abdivers town but did not have the contact list with me.  Looks like a nice place to live.
 Got into Ainsworth SP neer Troutdale, Or at about 10:00PM, set up quickly and crashed.  Spent the next few days in and around Portland.  Got to go to the creek I played in as a kid, and picked some blackberries that I made into a cobbler in the DU that night.  We went on a jetboat ride on the Willamette River in downtown Portland, which Hunter slept through the entire ride, spins and all.  
 We left Portland on Thursday the 14th headed further north into Washington.  Spent a lot of time at Mt. St. Helens.  Drove all the way to Johnson Peak with is as close the the crater as you can get with a car.  It was cool to see the Mountain after 20 plus years.  We lived near Portland when it erupted in  80 and had been about two miles from the Mountain a week before the big one.  Other than some new growth of trees it does not look much different.  The devistation was just increadible and beautiful.  It was cool to see the lava dome that was not there the last time I saw the mountain.
 After leaving St. Helens we drove the rest of the way to the campgound at Sequim Bay State Park.  Got up Friday morning and took the ferry over to Victoria.  Spent the entire day over there seeing at the normal tourist spots.   We were suposed to leave on the 6:10pm boat back to Port Angeles, but due to high winds and sixteen foot seas they canceled the trip and rescheduled us on a larger boat at 7:30pm.  We didnt end up leaving till about 8;30PM but luckly the weather had cleared up a bit and we only had swells of about 4 -5 feet.  Gat back to the campground at about 11:30 so it made for a long day.
 Saturday we decided to just take it easy and rest for the long trip home.  Ended up going to Dungeness Spit and also into Port Angeles to get some fresh off the boat crab.  Got it for $4.50 a pound!  Took three of them back to the campground and feasted that night.  We left for home on Sunday morning and on the way out along Hood Canal we stoped for a break.  A lady was selling fresh caught Salmon for $1.00 a pound.  I got a 20lbs that I m going to smoke.
 We drove back into Oregon and decided to take Hwy 97 instead of I5 for a change of scenery.  Got a little past Cresent, Or and stoped for the night cause the highway was closed near Klamath due to fire.
 We arrived home last night at about 6:30pm. Don t want to be back at work[:@]
 I ll post a link for pictures later today.

Ab Diver

QuoteWent through Abdivers town but did not have the contact list with me.

 Ahhhhh, nuts! [>:]
 Glad you had a good time, Nick. What a piece of luck with the kayak, eh? You might have traveled miles before noticing the missing kayak and/or it could have been picked up by someone else, or it could have hit a car behind you.  
 Welcome home!


 Civil_War_BuffForgot to mention another kayak mishap.  We were still at Sequim Bay and I decided to drive from our campsite down to the boat launch in the park.  I put the kayak on top of the rack on my Exploder and put a bungie from my front bumper to the bough and from the rear bumper to the stearn clip. Well I got down to the water, went to the back of the car, unhooked the bungee from the bumber an in what I can only describe as a brain fart, let go of the bungee cord.  Can we say kayak sling shot.  That think shot foward so fast.  Just about cleared my hood but the back end of the kayak hit the hood and left a nice scratch.[&:][&:]


Quote......... So we finnaly left and headed north. Went through Abdivers town but did not have the contact list with me.

 You lucked out!
 He would only have got you to help him painting his house[;)]
 Glad to hear you had a great time Mike.
 looking forward to the photos.


 6QuigsHere s the pictures.  There are a lot of them in two seperate albums.  The links are below.
 [link=]Album 1[/link]
 [link=]Album 2[/link]

OC Campers

 Civil_War_BuffCivil War Buff--When and where is your reinactment in Huntington Beach?  Are these reinactments open to the public?  If we are in town, it would be a good experience to show the kids.
 I also wanted to let you know, Randy got the new hitch installed and it works GREAT!!  We drove to Bridgeport a week ago (450 miles each way).  We had no sway issues at all.  It worked like a dream.  Wish we had had it before Gold Rush.
 Thanks again!!


 OC CampersJacqui,
 I may not be making it to HB after all.  Veronica had made camping reservations for Labo(u)r Day and we debated whether or not to go, but it looks like we will have to spend the long weekend in Monterey California....what a shame. [8D]
 But, to answer your question, yes, these events are open to the public,  that is really why we do them.
 I am so glad that the hitch is working for you, I was pretty sure that it would be an improvement.  Thanks to you and Randy for helping me clear my garage.[;)]

Ab Diver

 6QuigsWow, caught the news this morning about the heavy rains in Las Vegas. Something like 3"  in 90 minutes, and all that water has to go " somewhere" . The weather report showed very strong thunderstorm activity in south-east Calif. Hope none of our So-Cal brothers and sisters are caught out in the desert *dry* camping. That s why you never camp in a dry riverbed.
 Yo--- Ventura members...  remember that campground that was suddenly flooded a few years back? Wasn t that right off the Hwy 101-33 area? My parents were down there at that time in their motorhome. Scary stuff.
 Ab Diver--- mulling over that pontoon modification to my pop-up....