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Venomous Spider Bites

Started by ForestCreature, Oct 15, 2004, 11:39 AM

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Unfortunately I learned about this the hard way. Back in May I had what was thought to be a cold sore at first. It quickly evolved into a raised sore with a black center and a bright red ring around it, growing larger by the day. Ending up about the size of a penny in less than a week.  It was then that I realized it to be a venomous spider bite. Spider species unknown. But I did learn those little jumping spiders are the most common house spider that is venomous. The bite occurred while I was asleep at home not camping.

   <>What I learned from this event was a natural treatment for bites that are mildly venomous. I could almost immediately feel relief of the pain and itching & the spot decreased in size daily. Within a week of applying this mixture the black center literally fell off, leaving exposed healthy tissue & a hole that the venoms created from eating my flesh.  

   The concoction I used has now become part of my camping first aid kit. I


Sounds like a brown recluse bite.  Another good reliever is to use meat tenderizer.  Make a paste with a dab of water and apply frequently to the bite.  The enzymes in the tenderizer chemically break down the venom.


As I understand it, most ALL spiders are venomous but only a few are strong enough to break through human skin. Daddy Long legs have a pretty nasty venom so, thankfully, they don't bite..... people!

Marcy, how long will that remedy last before you have to replace it?


Skip, I just keep the ingridents on hand in the first aid kit , mix it as needed.
I wouldn't pre mix  & store it for possible use. When I used it  at home I made 1 capsule of each except the Vit E -  that took about 3 caps or so, I used as much as needed to make the paste. I stored it in a clean old prescription bottle , used it up in about 2 days. Then made another batch.


At work this summer there have been little yellow spiders.  Some of the clients have been bitten and had very nasty reactions.  Pain and a lot of swelling, almost immediately.  No one remembers seeing them before this year. :confused:


Quote from: ForestCreatureUnfortunately I learned about this the hard way. Back in May I had what was thought to be a cold sore at first. It quickly evolved into a raised sore with a black center and a bright red ring around it, growing larger by the day. Ending up about the size of a penny in less than a week. It was then that I realized it to be a venomous spider bite. Spider species unknown. But I did learn those little jumping spiders are the most common house spider that is venomous. The bite occurred while I was asleep at home not camping.

    <>What I learned from this event was a natural treatment for bites that are mildly venomous. I could almost immediately feel relief of the pain and itching & the spot decreased in size daily. Within a week of applying this mixture the black center literally fell off, leaving exposed healthy tissue & a hole that the venoms created from eating my flesh.  
    The concoction I used has now become part of my camping first aid kit. I


I just read recently that a little boy playing in his yard in TN was bitten by a brown recluse spider.  Parents brought him to ER where he was diagnosed with a virus and sent home.  By later that evening his symptoms were so severe they rushed him back to the hospital where they then realized it was a spider bite, but unfortunately the little boy passed away.  Now that is scary.  I always imagine seeing spiders in the house or yuck in the camper, but I never think about the kids playing outside in the yard.

Glad you're doing better!


Quote from: tlhdocAt work this summer there have been little yellow spiders. Some of the clients have been bitten and had very nasty reactions. Pain and a lot of swelling, almost immediately. No one remembers seeing them before this year. :confused:
I've heard alot of complaints about strange spiders around here too.  Possibly the strange weather patterns have something to do with it ?
Quote[/font][/size][/color] And I thought it was going to be the recipe for a Banshee!!:yikes:
That recipe would be:
 Equal parts (fill the blender about half way) Creme De Banana  &  White Creme De Cocoa
 Ice, a little cream or half and half & 1 fresh banana sliced. Blend till smooth, pour and enjoy. :sombraro:  If it dosen't cure the bite atleast you won't care!
 Camperoo, there are way to many stories out there about bites going un noticed by the medical profession. It's sad a child had to loose his life from a bite. Those brown recluse are extremely scary.  
 It was kind of funny after, every time I saw a spider in the house...that's the one that bit me..........WHAP!  


Quote from: ForestCreatureIt was kind of funny after, every time I saw a spider in the house...that's the one that bit me..........WHAP!
Nah, I'm pretty sure it had already died:D


Quote from: SkipPNah, I'm pretty sure it had already died:D


Thanks for the tip!  My DD was bit by a brown recluse last year (2003) right before we left for the MAPPUC rally.  We wound up in a Branson hospital and she needed 2 IV's.  Poor baby was miserable for a good part of our vacation.  We tried several things but she had 2 bites and her symptoms kept worsening.

Looks like I'll do some shopping for the first aid kit.