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Did you all VOTE today???

Started by Acts 2:38 girl, Nov 02, 2004, 03:28 PM

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Acts 2:38 girl

I was out early this morning - glad I got a jump on the polls!!!  I hope my man wins!  


I don't see how the "W" can loose.   :usflag:



DH voted when he took DS and DC to school this morning.  I will vote in about 45 minutes when I take DS to Boy Scouts. :)


Me too, went smooth. Only about 1 hour wait at 1:30 p.m. now comes the wait and see. The bottom line is the bottom line on my signature.


I voted, but DH doesn't get to this year thanks to the county clerk's mistake.

We go to vote.  My name is there, his is not, so we call the county.  County says, "we purge you if you haven't voted in 4 - 6 years, and we purged him in January of 2003".

   Me:  "He voted in the last presidential election, 3 years before he was
           purged.  We voted together."
  Them:  "Well, we only keep records for the last 2 years, so call the

So I call the state.  State says they don't keep records - county keeps the only records.  They said he could vote "provisional" meaning he is saying he DOES have the right to vote and they don't count his vote immediately but they look into it later and if he's right it counts.  BUT since they don't keep records past two years ago, they will have no record of him voting four years ago so that would do no good.  They also asked if we'd moved recently (not for 12 years), because before they purge you they send you a notice so you can make sure you stay registered (nope, no notice).

And you can't reregister or register in Oklahoma within 24 hours of an election (amazing what all you learn when you go through something like this).  

So his right to vote was taken away from him.  

Annoying to say the very least.


I voted after work. Boy do I hate standing in line...............I had to wait about 3 minutes for the 4 people in front of me to get their ballots.


I voted last week during early voting.   :usflag:


Quote from: chasd60I voted after work. Boy do I hate standing in line...............I had to wait about 3 minutes for the 4 people in front of me to get their ballots.

My line had 6 people in front of me!  Nobody with last names that started with any letter after G.  Go figure!  I was in and out in less than 10 minutes.

Gotta love living in a small community, eh?

That stinks, Teri.  In Minnesota you can register right up til election time ... as long as you can prove you live in the district you are trying to vote in.


Dang straight.. You have no reason not to vote. That being said, Charlie, I have you beat.. I walked to the desk and didn't wait in line... Gotta love small towns.. Too bad New England is nuts and out of touch with reality... (along with the west coast)


I go in this morning to vote and there are two lines to verify registration. Hmmmmm. The left line is shorter but I see a buddy of mine and his last name starts with "H". The little signs were on the table and blocked by the people in line. So, I assume the left line is "A-K" (or so) and the right is "L-Z".  Nope! Next guy up in the left line is informed that he's in the "M-Z" line. He and the five people behind him all come over to the long line! I hop (skip?) over, sign in and finish voting before the others get to sign in! Cool! That'll teach me to apply logic to lines!


Yes I voted today.  Took all of 10 minutes.  Yes, you just gotta love small towns.


Yep, Voted early and OFTEN!!!

By the way, I live in a town of about 3k people and it took about 40 minutes in line!

Camping Coxes

Quote from: Firefyter-EmtToo bad New England is nuts and out of touch with reality... (along with the west coast)
Hey, we on the left side of the country, resent that remark!


[font='Times New Roman']We voted at our kitchen table (absentee ballot).;)  I guess it was counted while we were at Fort Wilderness.:Y[/font]
[font='Times New Roman']GOD BLESS AMERICA:usflag: [/font]