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Coleman bayside - Cracked roof

Started by David Galvin, Jan 25, 2005, 04:51 PM

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David Galvin

I have a 2000 Coleman Bayside Elite and it has a severely cracked roof.
A new one will cost in excess of three thousand dollars which I do not have to spend.  Does anyone out there know of a used top that is available ( possibly from a salvage yard).  Or, Has anyone tried to fibreglass these cracks? How does it look?  Thanks for your help!


Are you the original owner? I suppose not, or you would not be asking this question. The original owner should be able to get a new roof (based on how good your dealer is, and other factors, such as what is Fleetwood's mood right now, which way the wind is blowing, etc.).

I hope you find a way to get it fixed.

And welcome to PUT!


David Galvin

Quote from: brainpauseAre you the original owner? I suppose not, or you would not be asking this question. The original owner should be able to get a new roof (based on how good your dealer is, and other factors, such as what is Fleetwood's mood right now, which way the wind is blowing, etc.).

I hope you find a way to get it fixed.

And welcome to PUT!

I am the second owner, purcased in 2001, one year old, and fleetwood will do absolutely nothing.


The only suggestion I would make is to badger Fleetwood until they help you out.  Write a letter, once a week to as many people (as high up as possible) at Fleeetwood as you can.  See if the squeeky wheel can get some grease.  Others have had some success.



Back when Fleetwood had an outside vendor making the roof, the outside vendor reimbursed Fleetwood for defective roofs even to those of second owners. Fleetwood as an unwritten warranty passed this along to second owners that b*tched enough, but they still payed shipping.

When the vendor went bankrupt and stopped reimbursing FLeetwood, Fleetwood stopped the unwritten second owner warranty as well as the unwritten free shipping after one year for original owners.
No second owner has gotten any satisfaction since Fleetwood reverted to the written warranty provisions.
Here's a couple of links that might help: