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Wine at Walmart!

Started by Wild Wild Qwest, Jan 28, 2005, 04:10 PM

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Wild Wild Qwest

I realize many of you frequent Wally World, so I decided to pass this on.

Wal-Mart recently announced that they will soon be offering customers a new discount item: Wal-Mart's own brand of wine. The world's largest retail chain is teaming up with E & J Gallo Winery of California to produce the spirits at an affordable $2-5 price range.

Wine connoisseurs may not be inclined to throw a bottle of Wal-Mart brand into their shopping carts, but "there is a market for cheap wine", said Kathy Micken, professor of marketing. "But the right name is important."

Customer surveys were conducted to determine the most attractive name for the Wal-Mart brand.

The top surveyed names in order of popularity are:

10.Chateau Traileur Parc
9. White Trashfindel
8. Big Red Gulp
7. World Championship Riesling
6. NASCARbernet
5. Chef Boyardeaux
4. Peanut Noir
3. I Can't Believe It's Not Vinegar!
2. Grape Expectations

And the number 1 name for Wal-Mart Wine:

1. Nasti Spumante

The beauty of Wal-Mart wine is that it can be served with either
white meat (Possum) or red meat (Squirrel).


I wonder if they'll sell it in six pack cans?  Or maybe even gallon plastic jugs!

OC Campers

twist cap or cork?


Quote from: OC Camperstwist cap or cork?
no cork


my guess is, they would sell this in those waxpaper containers with the straw attached.. and sell them for $5 for a 12 pack.. placing a desplay near the hunting and fishing isle..

Old Goat

A 55 gal. drum of wine would probably be the cheapest way to buy....Maybe they could put wheels and a tongue on the drum and it could be towed behind your popup.......


This might give you a reason to shop at Wal-Mart over Target :) :p


Quote from: PopupSgt
This might give you a reason to shop at Wal-Mart over Target :) :p
Yeah, I hear the 11th brand, Merlarky, will be be a hot seller too!


Quote from: popupsgtKelly,
This might give you a reason to shop at Wal-Mart over Target    :)  :p
Quote from: SkipPYeah, I hear the 11th brand, Merlarky, will be be a hot seller too!


Tempting, boys.  
But, I think I'll stick with Minnesota-born Target!!  
The wine there can't be much worse .... can it?

gsm x2

I'm looking forward to picking up a 30-pack of 16 oz MerlLow.

gsm x2


You forgot:

Chateau du Car'bor....    (aka wine-in-a-box)

and I just (couldn't resist) bought a soft sided cooler specifically for these boxes...has a hole at the side for the "spout"

these boxes are great for inside luggage and aren't breakable.

gsm x2

Will this cause a Ripple effect in the wine world?  What's next?  Five gallon jugs of Costco Chardonney?

gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2Ripple effect  
gsm x2