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Ever check you spare tire?

Started by oldmoose, Aug 09, 2005, 03:29 PM

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This past weekend we were camping near Yosemite and ended up having to replace 2 tires that had bulges and a leak. I had almost no air in my spare, but had an air compressor to inflate it. I borrowed a spare from the Maze's and it had very little air also.
So, as a reminder, all of us need to remember to make sure our spare has air.


Sometimes get off the beaten path and end up a considerable way from any kind of facility that handle or repair a trailer tire, so I carry two spares!  Most generally they are 10 lbs or so below where they should be for being mounted and into hiway service, but like you I carry one of those 12volt inflators (cigar lighter connected), and I cannot remember the number of times that little accessory has saved the day!

Had a tire failure something like 50 miles from nowhere and mounted the spare, which carried me to the planned campsite, but was thinking all the way there (and it was getting dark), what would I do if I had more tire problems. Went into town the following day and ordered out a tire from a local hardware store that also had a gas pump out front - took something like three days for the tire & rim (all mounted and ready to go) to get to the store. But decided right there and then if I was going to be frequenting out-of-the-way places, better to have two spares!

Found a frame mounted spare tire bracket that mounts the tire 5" above the frame. Should add that I need the additional tounge weight as I do the proverbial popup camper no-no, a bike rack mounted on the rear of the camper.



I've read enough disastar stories so that I check the pressure in the spare every time I check the main tires.

Wisdom is learning from your mistakes.  Better wisdom (and one of the purposes of this board) is learning from other people's mistakes.

Austin (Who has plenty of the first kind of wisdom...and I'm sure more to come)


I check the air in the spare on trailer as well as all tires on trailer and tow vehicle including the the tv spare.
Have a great one.
Mike :canada:

Mike Johnson

We ended up last year in the Porcupine Mountains in Michigan with two flats at the same time as we were packing up to move on. Still completely puzzled as to how it happened but happier to see I am not the only one that it ever happened to! Had to drive 150 miles round trip to find a tire the right size so...I also carry two spares now just in case. Also have the high pressure 12 volt air pump which we have used many times out in the boondocks. Wouldn't travel without either one of the above. And I hope all of us check not only our spare tires on the camper when we are checking the other tires, but the spare tires on our vehicles regularly as well! If we don't, the day will come when we will surely wish we had!


Just another note.  An unused spare can go bad/dry rot.  I replace my PU tires every 2 years and use the 2 "old" tires as spares.  When the spare tires are 4 years old they are replace with the next set of 2 year old tires.  I carry the second spare under the dinette table.:)


Thanks for the reminder. I need to be better about checking the spare. I am great about checking the running tires. However, I carry a compressor and a hand pump, so unless the tire was useless, I wouldn't be helpless.



Since all our camping trips are at least three - four weeks apart from each other, all the tires are checked at the local gas station as we are heading out of our town.

 Better safe ....than sorry, I always say.

 On a side note, the tire iron, wheel chocks, and  jack are stored and readily accessable in the front storage area  of our Mesa.  Never had a flat tire while traveling during our 15 years plus using a PU, but we are ready if the need arrises.