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New to pop ups

Started by kgravl, Sep 26, 2005, 01:12 PM

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I grew up camping with my family, going from a 8' cab over camper to a 30' motor home. My wife grew up at the closest Motel 6 to the beach. We just purchased a new to us pop up from the classified section here. We have a boy 5, and agirl 11, who I would like to introduse to camping, she already goes hunting with Dad.

I'd like to hear about good state parks or the likes within about 200 miles of Dallas. Any other tips as to how to keep from going crazy with the kids, they can't stay out of each other's hair in a 2500 sq. ft. house much less a 10X24 tent on wheeles.



Congratulations on your pu. My DH and I got our first one this weekend. Can't wait to go! One bit of advice for you in regards to the kids.

My parent's took us every weekend to the lake and we loved camping! One weekend however we had fought the entire trip to the site and my mom had had it. She told us that one more fight and the trip was over. We set up at the site and were sitting around and of course a fight started and guess what? Down came the camper and off we went back to the house. That was the last time we ever fought while we were camping.

It's a little harsh but it made believers out of us. The kids will enjoy themselves so long as they have something to do. We loved throwing the football and hiking.

As far as places to camp, check out the arkansas state park website. It is great for resources. DeGray and Lake Quachita are pretty cool places.
