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Sirius satellite radio

Started by massatari, Jan 30, 2006, 09:33 AM

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This is our new favorite camping gear.  I don't work for them but just wanted to chime in that if you're sick of crappy radio or searching for something while on a long road trip this thing is AWESOME.  the music channels are great.. whoever is programming the channels is doing a great job.  I think any camper that goes far enough away can appreciate one.  
now they just need to figure out a way to get major league baseball and it'd be flawless.
just my $.02 thought I'd recommend it to you all.


I have always enjoyed searching for radio stations.  Ever since the FCC screwed up the clear channel situation, very long distance AM DX'ing has been a bust.  Now, if you want to hear distant radio stations, you have to go there.

If XM or Serius makes it into my van, I'll loose one of my on-the-road hobbies.

Austin (the exception here)


I don't have too much trouble locking down stations while driving.. just seems like as soon as we get to our site then we lose all decent reception.


I got Sirius for Christmas.  I drive 75 miles one way to work everyday, mostly through mountains. With a regular radio I have to switch  stations 6 times during this trip. The one constant is Mexican music, those stations come in clear as a bell.  The other stations could learn a thing or two from them.  I love my satellite radio.  Haven't taken it camping yet, but we will.


I hate the thought of paying for radio.  But if I was to do it, I'd seriously look into Sirius' lifetime plan.  Takes a few years to pay, but eventually it's free.


Quote from: fritz_monroeI hate the thought of paying for radio. But if I was to do it, I'd seriously look into Sirius' lifetime plan. Takes a few years to pay, but eventually it's free.

The funny part is, I have a few co-workers that say the same thing.  "Why should I pay for radio when I can get it for free?"  The next question I ask them is if they have Cable or Satellite TV.  Usually ends the conversation at that point.  The revolution has begun.


the only thing that I heard about the lifetime plan that turned me off was that it's only transferrable 3 times. meaning that if you have one lost or stolen or you upgrade your reciever, you can only do it 3 times.  I think lifetime should be "your" lifetime, not the lifetime of the equipment.  especially for 500 bucks.
I never thought I'd pay for radio, but I think that the product is good enough.. although I am balking at getting a 2nd radio for my fiances vehicle, it will be $20 a month for both.


I've gotta say I love my XM.  It's got any kind of music and talk I want and the reception is great.  I have used it well up into British Columbia and drove across half of Montana one time without changing the station.  And no commercials on the music channels.  And the enjoyment I get for my $10 bucks last a lot longer than a one time dinner somewhere :D


I love my XM.  I now have it in both my cars and a boom box type.  The family plan is just the ticket.

Camping Coxes

Quote from: TheVikingThe one constant is Mexican music, those stations come in clear as a bell. The other stations could learn a thing or two from them. I
Well, they'd have to learn to break the laws we have regulating power, because the reason the stations from Mexico come through loud and clear whether you want them to or not (remember drive-in movies and the Mexican stations coming in better than the movie when it was transmitted over your radio?) is because they have no regulations for filtering or power.
I have a hard time paying for radio service.  I understand the cable analogy, but on long drives, that's what my CDs are for.


Quote from: Camping CoxesI have a hard time paying for radio service.  I understand the cable analogy, but on long drives, that's what my CDs are for.

I don't pay for cable either.  I just have CDs in all the time.  Occasionally I can hear the music over the fighting of the chirren!   ;)


Quote from: Camping CoxesI have a hard time paying for radio service.  I understand the cable analogy, but on long drives, that's what my CDs are for.

I hear you on that!  However ... :D ... spend any time listening to a satellite radio (in my case, XM), and you'll be hooked.  CDs are great, too, and when I want to spend an hour singing along with Peter, Paul, and Mary, I put one on.  What I don't get is the iPod.  If you already have the music AND can burn your own versions, why would you need one of those?  I've made more different "collections" than I can count -- and they do just fine.  Maybe if you like walking around with headphones on they're nice.  But I'm too old-fashioned to be so anti-social (I DO have opinions!).

Next time we camp together, come listen to my XM.  I may make a convert out of you!  :)


We have had Sirius radio since June and love it.  Original poster asked about baseball games, I believe XM carries all the ML baseball games.  Sirius broadcasts all the NFL games.

We usually have it on when driving, rarely play CD's in the vehicle anymore.  We will be driving to Florida from NYS in less than a week.  We'll enjoy having it on the trip, for the drive down and back and also to have it available as we are driving hither and yon in the Sunshine State.