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Flushing our water tank

Started by PITPOP27, Feb 14, 2006, 10:16 AM

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Quote from: waveryYou know....ARRRRRRR!!!!

I just thought of something that might work well and does not contain bleach. In fact, it's pretty harmless. Basically, it kills mold by super oxygenating it. Check it out:

OxyClean would work for mold, mildew, and anerobic bacteria, but not for non-anerobic bacteria or most algae.  Bleach kills everything.  OTOH, oxyclean would probably physically remove (clean off) more than the bleach.  One of the things I keep thinking is the stuff is probably stuck to the inside of the tank; soaking in bleach will kill it, but it isn't going to remove it.  Oxyclean would do a better job of removing it.

Like most other cleaning products, Oxyclean should NEVER be mixed with chlorine bleach, as this can produce chlorine gas, an extremely toxic nerve agent.



I added a ballcock, shut-off valve with a garden hose fitting to the drain on my water tank. It is really easy. Take the plug from your tank to any hardware store. Go to the PVC fitting section. Get yourself a PVC fitting that is the size of your plug on one end (male) and 3/4" pipe (female) on the other end. Just buy a 3/4" ballcock shut-off valve. I was fortunate that my tank's plug was 3/4" pipe, so I just needed a 3/4" ballcock shut-off valve that screwed directly into my tank. Also get a 3/4" PVC pipe cap (that keeps out road grime). The garden hose screws right on to the 3/4" shut-off valve.

I keep my PU in our apartment building garage, so I have to run a hose from the tank to the garage floor drain, every time that I empty my tank. I store my PU with a full tank of water, with about a shot glass full of bleach. I drain it before we tow the trailer, then fill up at the campgrounds. With that small amount of bleach, I don't even need to rinse the tank.


Thanks again, Arrrrr, I showed your fitting to my husband and he said he remembered me showing him before and that is what he was looking for but couldn't find  the proper male fitting, it's driving him nuts, he really would like something simple to drain away from the place we store.....we'll see.  We still haven't bought our hose, maybe one was thrown in in the deal, I need to see before I purchase one.....back to open up the pop again tomorrow :p


Quote from: PITPOP27Thanks again, Arrrrr, I showed your fitting to my husband and he said he remembered me showing him before and that is what he was looking for but couldn't find  the proper male fitting, it's driving him nuts, he really would like something simple to drain away from the place we store.....we'll see.  We still haven't bought our hose, maybe one was thrown in in the deal, I need to see before I purchase one.....back to open up the pop again tomorrow :p

If you find that they included a WHITE hose in the deal, don't use that for draining your tank. A WHITE hose is specially formulated for supply water. It gives you a clean taste (not hosey). If you use it for draining your tank you won't want to use it in the future for your water supply. It won't taste hosey, but it will be contaminated.


Thanks, I didn't mean for draining, but rather filling.  And no there was no hose.  I ended up getting a collapsable hose 40ft on reel for $20 at Target.  Worked great and very compact.

The whole bleach process went well, except that we were doing it between rain showers, just glad it's raining this week and not next weekend!


Thanks guys, (have I mentioned how much bleach and me don't get along?) But we have to drain it slowly anyways, because of taking it through the systems, and then placing grey water tanks on sons skateboard down a VERY long driveway to the gutter  it shall be great!

    I don't thinnk I would dump bleach into the storm system. Carry it in and dump it in the sanitary system, (unless septic tank)