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Newbie, Help Please....Please??

Started by CamperD, Feb 27, 2006, 09:00 AM

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There is only one dealer in my area that works with the A-frame trailers... but luckily they're actually close enough to go check them out.

There is also an RV show in Providence RI that while a drive is a do-able drive.

The book we have on the Pacifica says up to 3500# with a appropriate hitch...after trying to understand hitch information I called the dealer (now how much of this is the dealer wanting the job I don't know) who says they have to install it to keep within the extended warranty we purchased along with a service package. Somebody is supposed to call me back this morning with a quote.

My question for those of you with the A-frame types... do they tend to 'breathe' less? Would I definately need the AC to survive our hot steamy summers in it? On the flip side would we be able to do a bit of winter camping with it?

You all have no idea how excited I'm getting!



Dora, most of this you can do yourself pretty easily. The most difficult things to do for setup when alone is backing into your campsite. Before you backin get out and look around the site. Make sure the area is clean and you are aware of where the obsticles are. You can also grab a neighbor camper and ask them to help guide you in. Levelling is tough when alone. You may want to consider purchasing a Bal leveller ($60 or $70). That way you can level after you have parked without worrying about trying to back onto boards etc. The awning can be difficult. You have a couple of choices for this. Fill a couple of plant pots with concrete with PVC tubing in the middle which is where the awning legs will be placed. The weight of the pots help keep the legs in place whilst you setup. Alternatively ask a fellow camper for help. I think some of the campers such as Kelly have an easy setup awning that they could give more info on.
Hooking the tow vehicle up to the camping unit you should practice a few times. Lift up the tail gate on the van and take it slow. You should be able to find some fixed reference points to use on the tailgate, hitch and/or camper to help you with this.
We tow a 10 foot boxed Cheyenne with a mini van without issue. Likes your our weight limit is 3500. We had to add a transmission cooler and hitch to the van in order to tow. Uhaul did all this for a reasonable price.
 You have trailer camped and tent camped in the past so you will be fine.


Hey Dora -

As a mom of three boys, I can tell you that it is MORE than possible to camp alone with children!  DH does come with us when his work schedule allows, but I am the primary driver, setter-upper and maintainer of our camper.  We are on our third pop-up - a new 2005 Niagara.

I started about 10 years ago w/an older (1980ish) Coleman that I purchased to go to the beach with.  Only had one child then and went to the beach MANY weekends for a couple of summers.  I stored the camper at the campground and they pullled it out for me when I needed it.  In spring of 2001 I bought a new Rockwood w/an 8' box.  By that time we had all three kids and the boys and I camped primarily at our local state park.  For three summers in a row, we camphosted for 6 weeks at a time.  DH joined us most weekends.  It was a bit crowded, but we only lived 30 minutes away, so we came home to do laundry, etc.  

I am looking forward to really using our Niagara.  We will no longer camphost because of the children's school schedule, but because the camper is bigger and, I feel, more stable to tow, I am more comfortable going longer distances with it.

So, yes, you CAN do this.  Most folks looked at me like I was nuts when I told them about camping w/the kids.  I would suggest the following:

1.  You were absolutely correct to call the dealer about towing.  I would also follow whatever they recommend and get it in writing.  It may cost you more to have them do the "hitch" related work, but if you have an extended warranty, you don't want to give them any excuse to not make good on it if you have an issue in the future.
2.  The A-Frame trailers seem very well made and easy to set up, but if you are planning on anymore kids, you may want a bit bigger unit.  From what you have said so far, you may want to consider a used 10-ft box w/out a lot of extras (they add weight!).  I would NEVER buy one without a/c.  But I also would never go camping without a blow-dryer & microwave, so take that into consideration!
3.  It is possible to hitch up by yourself (I have done it), but not easy.  My son started spotting for me when he was about 7 or so.  But there are always another campers or park employees that are willing to assist.  Don't be afraid to as for help.,
4.  By far, I found backing up the most difficult thing about the whole process.  The first time I tried, I couldn't do it and one of the neighbors helped out.  I finally go to the point where I could back the Rockwood into a campsite.  I was most proud this past weekend when I backed the Niagara up the driveway and 1/2 way into the side load garage.  We were able to push it the rest of the way.
5.  A playpen or just putting your child in a car seat on the picnic table (weather permitting) or getting a small dvd player and leaving her in the car with it running and her watching a movie are good options when you set up.  As she gets older, give her little tasks to help you out.

Hope this helps; let us know what you decide!



Quote from: PLJDora, most of this you can do yourself pretty easily. The most difficult things to do for setup when alone is backing into your campsite. Before you backin get out and look around the site. Make sure the area is clean and you are aware of where the obsticles are. You can also grab a neighbor camper and ask them to help guide you in. Levelling is tough when alone. You may want to consider purchasing a Bal leveller ($60 or $70). That way you can level after you have parked without worrying about trying to back onto boards etc. The awning can be difficult. You have a couple of choices for this. Fill a couple of plant pots with concrete with PVC tubing in the middle which is where the awning legs will be placed. The weight of the pots help keep the legs in place whilst you setup. Alternatively ask a fellow camper for help. I think some of the campers such as Kelly have an easy setup awning that they could give more info on.
Hooking the tow vehicle up to the camping unit you should practice a few times. Lift up the tail gate on the van and take it slow. You should be able to find some fixed reference points to use on the tailgate, hitch and/or camper to help you with this.
We tow a 10 foot boxed Cheyenne with a mini van without issue. Likes your our weight limit is 3500. We had to add a transmission cooler and hitch to the van in order to tow. Uhaul did all this for a reasonable price.
 You have trailer camped and tent camped in the past so you will be fine.

Great advice, Peter.   Where are you camping this summer?  Maybe we can crash your party.   :D

Leveling ~
I do have a BAL leveler ... best purchase I ever made.  After I choose where I want the PU and get reasonably close (I'm not that good at backing up!) I put down a couple of 12" square pieces of plywood.  DS guides me onto those.  It wouldn't be too difficult to do that yourself, Dora.  Sometimes DS loses focus and I have to do it anyway!  Then I use the BAL to level.  I'm also not afraid to ask for help backing in if I need it.  Other campers are usually very understanding ~ most have been in the same boat at one time or another!

Awning ~
Wow!  I didn't realize anybody paid any attention to what I say around here!  LOL  
I do have a Carefree of Colorado awning.  It came with the PU ... lucky me!  It is easier to set up with 2, but I can do it by myself.  I couldn't do the awning on the old PU myself.

Hitching ~
That is tricky ... I have a lovely gouge in my rear bumper to prove it!  I found the best way is to really pay attention to how the PU looks in your rear view mirror.  If I have to do it myself I line up the middle trim piece on the roof of the PU with the heat vents in the back of my van.  I get as close as I dare without actually hitting the bumper (again) and then get out and check.  Then I have a pretty good idea of how much further I have to back up.  I put a rock or a stick on the ground where the rear (driver's side) tire needs to be and back up to there.  I usually have to get out and check 3 or 4 times to get it right.

btw ~ my camping dream is to have an ALiner or a Chalet after my kids move on.  If it was just me and one kid most of the time, I'd be looking at an 8' box PU.  But again ~ I don't pack much and really wouldn't need the extra room a 10' (or 12') box would have.


Quote from: CamperDMy question for those of you with the A-frame types... do they tend to 'breathe' less? Would I definately need the AC to survive our hot steamy summers in it? On the flip side would we be able to do a bit of winter camping with it?
 You all have no idea how excited I'm getting!
Excited!, naaa we wouldn't know that feeleing ;)  most of us have been where you are now. You think you're excited now, just wait till you pick up your new camper!
 Now to the Aframe.  They are only as breatheable as the amount of windows. We have opening screened windows on all but 1 side of the camper. In the wide open Sun they can become pretty warm without AC. There are opening sky lights for the front and rear that are options also another option is the fantsstic fan roof vent that pulls air thru nicely(we have 3 roof vents and no fan ,we want one). For hot humid camping I would get the AC. But being in a hot steamy area even a canvas PU would need AC, either way you decide AC would be good to have.
 Winter camping can be done with a fair amount of comfort. I've had our Aliner out in temps down to 15* lows and stayed warm. Being insulated you use less propane and the furnace does not run continualy as in a canvas PU in that kind of cold. For 3 nights and days of using the furnace I used less than a tank of propane.
 If you want to explore Aframes further you can check out the Aliner/Chalet Yahoo group You'll find lots of info on both there.  Sometimes used Aliners and Chalets become posted  for sale on there too.


Kelly us Minnesotans should plan a get together some time this year. Although I use the term Minnesotan loosely as I'm from England, the wife is from Illinois and isn't Austin from Boston?

I also have a dent in my rear. My DD lost focus when I was reversing to the hitch and forgot to tell me to stop  :p  So Dora take your time backing up and get out as many times as you feel comfortable to check. As always with camping someone has designed and made a gizmo to make this process easier.

We've been in many a downpour in the popup and never had so much as a drop of unwanted rain enter the unit. As for humidity then an A/C should help with that.

Done Working

Quote from: PLJI also have a dent in my rear. My DD lost focus when I was reversing to the hitch and forgot to tell me to stop  :p  So Dora take your time backing up and get out as many times as you feel comfortable to check. As always with camping someone has designed and made a gizmo to make this process easier.


I must jump in and out of the van a half dozen times before I'm ready to hitch the trailer.


Okay...Ignorance alert... what is a leveler? Is it like the piston like things that used to come down near the wheels of my parents RV?

I have a feeling I am going to need lots of practice with the hitching and the pitching....



Dora, here is a link to a leveller at camping world. They allow you to level your camper from side to side. Without this then you would need to back onto boards to raise one side of the camper. Most state park sites I have camped at tend to be level enough from side to side. But its not always the case.


LOL! Reminds me of a little story. When we bought our camper, the guy who showed us how to set it up recommended that we make a leveler by nailing three lengths of 2-by-6 together. One long section under one medium section under one short section. The short section is about 8" long, the medium about 16", and the long about 24". Anyway, he explained that you back one tire up onto the first board for a site that's a little out-of-level, the second board for one that's more out-of-level, and the third board for the worst case. He said, "If you are on a site that's more out-of-level than the third board, go to a different site." We all chuckled. Well, on one of our first trips we found ourselves on a site at the Bridge Bay campground in Yellowstone. It was bad. This is one of the few campgrounds in Yellowstone where you can get a reservation. We had made our reservation months in advance. We had arrived just before closing time. We were going to be camped on this site no matter what. Well, I backed it up onto the third board hoping for the best. It was almost level. Good thing! We've never been to a site that was worse. We've been to a couple that were just as bad, but never one that was worse.


Quote from: PLJI also have a dent in my rear.


Quote from: SpeakEasymake a leveler by nailing three lengths of 2-by-6 together. One long section under one medium section under one short section. The short section is about 8" long, the medium about 16", and the long about 24".

Probably looked a little like this.


Another idea for leveling is the Lynx Levelers. Some people don't like them, but DW says I have a knack for guessing (with the aid of a carpenter's level) how many we'll need. I rarely have to restack, so this is what we use, and love them!
