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Canvas Rubber Guide for Roof Track Ripped!

Started by KublaKhan469, May 13, 2006, 09:46 AM

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:tent: [/FONT]
Going through the trailer getting ready for a trip I came across the Door side Canvas ripped from the rubber peice that slides into the roof frame runners, this is kinda hard to explain.  Can you purchace a new rubber and re-sew it in?
Also where would you purchase...This Forum is awesome

2001 cottonwood PU


Welcome to PUT!  Sorry you are having a problem with your camper.  Are you talking about the rubber stuff that attaches the tenting to the roof?  If you are you can take it to an auto/boat upholstery shop and they can sew it back together.  My rubber stuff tore on one corner a year or two ago and that is how the RV shop repaired it.  Right now I have a different section of tenting at the upholstery shop for the same thing.:)

One question for you.  Is your PU a 2001 or a 2002?  I didn't think the Cottonwood came out until 2002.