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Started by Used 2B PopUPTimes, Jun 20, 2006, 04:15 PM

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Dave, I have to say when I first heard you were changing the format i wasn't too happy, but i gave RVE a chance and I like most of it. I think it should cover PU, Hybrids, Light Weight trailers and TT, under $50,000.00. I think thats what most of us are interested in when we move up from a PU. Also how about doing some stuff on the smaller SUV's in each edition. I have a Hyundai Santa Fe I tow my PU with. I had a hard time in the begining trying to find out if it could handle the weight of our PU. If you notice on the boards that alot of people are towing with smaller vehicles and are always asking if and what their TV is capable of handling. You could make it easy for them by adding this info to the magazine.....Just my honest opinion. No matter what the outcome of this, i plan on sticking with you.......Ed C


I didn't vote.  I will be here which ever way it goes, BUT I miss PUT.  I liked the magazine and hope it has a rebirth.  RVE is ok and I do like information on trailers other than PUs, so I didn't vote.  :eyecrazy:


The title is not as important as the content.

I am frustrated by the concept that changing from a pop-up to another type of recreational vehicle is "moving up", seemingly implying that the only reason any sane individual would ever own a pop-up camper is because they can't afford something else or couldn't afford a larger tow vehicle.   When I subscribed to PUT I was seeking a magazine with a focus on people who purchase and use a pop-up camper or other small campers such as Casitas or Scamps by choice instead of necessity.  It seems to me that owning a small camping unit by choice is reflective of families seeking a healthy and physically active lifestyle, of being close to nature, and treading lightly upon our natural resources.  Campers in small camping units would more likely pick up and read a magazine on rock climbing, running, fishing, civil war history, or birding than a magazine in which the articles involved NASCAR, diesel engine performance modules, the newest toy-hauler, and motorhome dinghys.

There is a lot of opportunity for the editor and advertisers to appeal to the lifestyle of those of us that fits somewhere in between Backpacker and Trailer Life magazines. I hope that the current publication, whatever it may be called, can grow to fill that gap.  From reading the first issue of RV Enthusiast, I am reservedly optimistic that it is headed in the right direction.


I agree with CopCarGuy:
"My vote is for the magazine to be called Pop Up Times... however I do not object to the occasional article about other types of RV's. The only thing that felt "Pop Up Timey" in the issue of RV Enthusiast was the story about Alex. Pop Up Times always felt like camping warm-fuzzies when I read it. I felt like I was reading cold, emotion-less sales brochures with RV Enthusiast."

I am not a subscriber (yet), and was looking for the instructions on how to subscribe when I saw that the whole thing had changed. I will probably never have a motorhome and most likely not a TT. I really like our pup.

Maybe publish 6 times/year would be good if you could swing it, but dedicated to pups, with the occasional TT or MH article thrown in to see how the 'dark side' lives!  :)

I won't subscribe until a decision is reached.

Camping Coxes

We have new neighbors with a pop-up.  My first thought, "I'll drop by a brochure about PUT."  Then I realized there is no more PUT.  Made me sad.  I liked the new magazine, but I'd like to see maybe something that's between the two mags.  I think the suggestion to keep it to the lower end units is a good one.  How many of us will seriously be interested in a class A unit any time in the future?  I don't see a pop-upper ever going into a huge rig -- we're humble at heart and like it that way.

Thanks, Dave, for caring what we think.  We'll keep caring right back.


I think sacrawf and jawilson both have zeroed in what what seems to me would be a winning strategy. That is, focus on the niche of CAMPERS who have chosen to enjoy CAMPING with relatively inexpensive rv's. I know that there is a world of difference between "roughing-it" camping on one hand and luxurious motor-coach travelling on the other. It is in that middle ground that I love to live, and I intend to continue to do so.

Also, for me, a very important element in a magazine's appeal is a heavy use of story-telling as a narrative style.

Within that niche there are some topical categories that would provide tons of writing ideas. Many have been mentioned here in this thread. To recap and extend a bit:

- a periodic feature on mods - given in detail and with lots of pics
- a periodic feature on tow vehicles - not just the definitions of GVWR and so on, but actual personal experiences
- a periodic feature on camp cooking - favorite recipes, stories of successful parties, equipment and so on
- updates from rv manufacturers on what they are introducing each year
- occasional piece on "classic" popups and rv's from 30 years ago or more, including personal stories
- features on camping related activities and hobbies: fishing, rock-climbing, hiking, off-road, horseback-riding, rafting, ballooning, geocaching, orienteering, birding, bicycling, wildlife-viewing, photography, canoeing and kayaking, caving, etc. (Even though any one of us enjoys only a fraction of these activities, we might read about something and decide we'd like to try it out.)
- articles on camping-related equipment: grills and ovens, hiking boots, clothing, bicycle racks and so on
- feature articles on people and/or places that exemplify the type of camping experience you are focusing on

For this, I would come back to being a subscriber, regardless of whether it was called PUT or RVE or something else. For this, I would subscribe even if the magazine gave equal time to all sorts of less-expensive rv's.



I will continue to subscribe either way, but I really enjoyed PUT, since it focused more on the type of camping we enjoy. I also enjoy reading about small TTs, Aliners/Chalets, and other small campers, since we may be moving on to one in a few years, but I have no interest in reading about MHs, 5ers and large TTs. I would echo the suggestions SpeakEasy posted; it would also be nice to have a regular column devoted to camping with canines.


I voted for a dedicated PU magazine.

 But since I have a two year subscription to PU Times, and never received a single issue over the past year, this is rather a moot point.


I would like to comment and even though I'm a subscriber, but I never received the magazine. Eventually we'll get something else, but sure would like to see the magazine. Can I get a copy? Then I'll be happy to vote.



I voted for RVE, but can honestly understand many of the statements made so far. To be honest, with all the flack that Dave & Bob had to go through making this change, and then try to draw a conclusion about it after a single issue is not exactly giving it a fair shake! Be that as it may, my honest opinion is to probably continue with a scaled down version of PUT, and continue with the RVE also, perhaps putting some marketing people to work to get that magazine out in the forefront of the RV'ing public at large. Just selling it to PU people, and former PU people via a PU board isn't going to 'get it out there' in any great numbers.

As for content, it's too soon to really say. I liked what I saw, and I do see the that it may too closely follow a manufacturers brochure. But it's feedback like this that will help shape the magazine and point it in the proper direction.
I'd like to see more stuff on Destinations....and not the National Parks and stuff that everyone already knows about, but the best kept secrets out there! There are 50 states, plus all those Provinces to the much to do and see and so little is ever mentioned about most of it. We all know about Acadia National Park in Maine, but how many people know about Baxter State Park in Maine? How many know this is the nothern terminus of the Appalachain Trail? How about the unmarked but infamous Aboll Falls? Did you know that Baxters Mt Katahdin is the first place in the continental US that the sun shines on each day? Destinations are going to be a big draw, everyone wants to hear about someplace new!
One issue isn't enough to make this determination, but perhaps less info on RV's as a whole, and more on everything RV related!!


Wow - some great ideas here!  I haven't voted - but I think it would be awesome to see some of these topics incorporated into the magazine, whatever it's called.  I'm another one who would like to see destination info included.

One criticism I have seen in the past is that too much content is "recycled" from the boards or reader-contributed.  My take on this is simple:  so what!  Who better to submit articles for the magazine than those of us who are actually out there camping?  Some of you are likely familiar with an entire group of magazines (among them are Country, Taste of Home, Reminisce, and a bunch of others) that rely on contributions from readers.  The concept works for them, so I have no problem with it working for RVE or PUT.


the mag is okay, need more adventure and less ads, I know it cost a lot to put out the mag and the ads pay for 99% , but we get PUT/RVE to enjoy story time, and the pro's and cons of the stuff out there, and read learn about what is coming out next. the personal touch, is what keeps me coming back to PUT, I get the other mags, But I read yours cover to cover! I look forward to the stories, specially in the off season, its my campfire!
 you could brake it up into sections, or add section, like a calender of events, so people know what is happening in the rv world, rv shows listings, rally notices, what the different groups have been doing, (like what the sams clubs do) camping reviews, quick fixes for common problems, first aid lessons, stuff like that .
 we like reading and learning, and finding  out about new places and new things and great ideas!


I have not voted we have signed up for the mag. but so far have not received our mag. either.  We loved PUT'S and both of us read it from cover to cover not sure about this new REV but sure would like to see it. When I get the new one I'll vote......carol


Does it have to be a glossy publication?  What about doing some sort of newspaper?  That would keep costs down and maybe enable you to run more human interest-type stuff.  Heck, maybe there are even folks out there who own their own company & would be willing to buy space for a little advertising.  Could the "clubs" maybe have a section that they contribute to?

Maybe this isn't the kind of feedback you're interested in, but since I didn't vote, I thought I'd put my 2 cents in anyway.  

BTW, I got RVE.  Compared to Trailer Life, I liked it better.  Compared to the camping magazine I get (the name escapes me right now ...), I like my camping magazine better.  

Gee, this is kind of like your own little focus group, isn't it?  :D


I think that Speakeasy has captured what would steer me toward subscribing year in and year out. It doesn't matter what the title is, as long as it is all about camping and camping activities.