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Do you take your dog with you?

Started by edwardr132, Jun 22, 2006, 01:01 AM

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I definetly think it's a personal thing.  You can see in our photos that we never leave her behind at home and she was one of the major factors in purchasing our PU  :p .  We do have some easier things when we have left her or even while we're setting up and taking down:

1. during set up we usually tie her out to the picnic tables.

2.  once her kennel is out (which is a great collapsable wire kennel we bought for $30 off some hippies at our very first trip :D which retails for $150.) we put her in there.

3.  when we are set up with our Add a room we zip down and she hangs out in there while we are cooking, or just getting dressed or whatever.

4.  If we are leaving for awhile, because she is prescious cargo to us, we collapse our shower, put her kennel on top and get her set up in there with a good marrow bone from the butcher, it keeps her nawing for hours.

She loves the trailer and looks forward to camping as much as the kids.  her favorite spot in the same as mine, sitting in the bunk end with the flaps zipped down and the breeze blowing in........
yes, bringing your dog can be a hassle, but my hubby nevers wants to hike anyways, so I go with the kids while he "holds the fort" as he puts it ;)


We take our cocka-poo with us all the time.  She is a darling and isn't a bother and if we want to go to the beach or somewhere, we just put her in the popup and she naps until we return - without a barking problem.  She doesn't need to be tied up either because she doesn't leave our sights - always sticking around under our feet so to say.

Once we left her at a kennel and it was sad to think of her all those days without us.  I prefer her to be with us on our trips.


I have 2 dogs (but really my babies) 1 pug and 1 Boston terrier. They go everywhere with us. I crate trained them when they were little puppies so it has been easier to take them and they are not barkers thank goodness. I have a wire crate that goes inside the camper. When we leave they are put into it and the camper locked so no one can get them.  It does fold down for ease of carrying it. I also have a huge ex-pen that I use for them so they do not have to be tied up while we are in camp..32 sq feet for them to run in. do not know if any of this helps with you puppy but just wanted to give you some ideas as leaving a pup in a popup alone could be dangerous and hard telling the shape your camper may be in on your  Happy Camping..:)


We have a big ol' yellow lab that always goes camping with us. Even if it takes about three weeks to get all the hair out of the back seat of the TV after the trip. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving him in a kennel while we were out having fun, and him stuck in a cage without us being around.

 When we were younger we always took the two golden retrievers with us, (now that we are older...we are down to only one big dog) and they never were a problem.

  We typically camp on army COE lakes, so we don't have to leave the site very often, and "Toby" just loves to swim with us all day long. The lake shore backs up against the campsites in many cases, so it's a perfect setting.

 When we are back at the site we chain him to the lamp pole, (only because it's the rules) and he just lays there exhausted from swimming most of the day.

 I'm sure you can find CG's that will be more suitable to fit your predictament.

  Good luck.


We have 2 dogs and sometimes I take one of them camping with us.  I only take her when we are going to be staying at the campground and not sight seeing.  Some state and national parks allow pets (in certain areas) and others don't let them in the parks at all.  I have heard dogs barking when no one was around to quiet them.  The owners may think that their dogs don't bark, but some of them do when left alone.  
We were camping at Assateague Island National Seashore last week and people left their dogs alone.  They were fined and animal control was contacted.  If animal control would have got there before the owners came back, the dogs would have been taken to a shelter.


We used to have 2 labs, now just one.  We almost always take the dog camping with us.  We do leave him in the camper when we are gone - not more than an hour though.  He treats it just like his kennel at home,  when gone, we've never heard him bark & neither have others around us.  Usually when we get back we have to wake him up.  But, if we are really vacationing with sightseeing & a lot of trips away from the camper we kennel the dog.

He loves to camp with us.



We first took our dogs camping earlier this year and man was I stressing.  We live in the city and they are asked to bark at people who get to close to the property (comes in mighty handy).  I was so awesomely surprised!  The dogs laid quietly in the campsite tied up near their food and water and only bark when someone comes into the campsite (kid visitors are fine but when mom/dad come to retrieve their kids, woof, they shut up after some gentle coaxing).  We kennel them in the TV at different times (temperature permitting).  We bring them with because we typically have and have had a sitter come by the house to let them out.  They are quite limiting so if you can take them sometime, leave them sometimes, that works.