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Do you chat in other forums?

Started by Brauma, Nov 11, 2006, 09:02 PM

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If you're like me and the Internet is now a big part of your life (as far as where you get your info from) you participate in more than one forum.

Besides this forum, I post in the BBQ Brethren forum. This is where I spend the bulk of my time online. I'm a big BBQ guy and this is the place to be if you love BBQ and want to take your BBQ'ing skills to another level. *Note: there is a huge difference between BBQ'ing and grilling.

I also read a lot on the forum. I don't post much here but these people are into their pies. I love doing grilled pizza (on my Weber grill, not my smoker) and I found out early that if you intend on making your own pizza dough, its harder than it looks. Its very much more sceince than art - but it is an art form too.

I also post a little on the 1911 gun forum.

I'm sure there is a beer home brewing forum out there and I wont look for it on purpose. I have enough to read now. But I do love to home brew.

I hope the moderators here don't take this post the wrong way. I'm not trying to steer people away from this board. I'm a newbie to pop-up camping and Ive gotten a lot of good info from searching this board. This is the best forum for pop-up camping that Ive found.


Probably 75% of what I post on line is posted here.  But I regularly also participate in other places.  In all of the other places you will find me, I go by AustinMN.  But here, fols wanted me to keep the AustinBoston, so I never changed it.

I post in the following newsgroups:


(There are about 5 other newsgroups where I lurk.  Since I almost never post in them, you won't likely see me there, so I won't tell you what they are and I get to remain anonymous. ;) )

And on these forums:
NHTKeep (A private family forum)
Aquarium Fish Message Board (rarely post)
Pop-Up Explorer (very rarely post)
IDOS (International Dutch Oven Society) (very rarely post)

I have my own page on DeviantArt (as do both of my daughters).  Disclaimer: Some pages on DeviantArt (but not mine) are innapropriate for those under 18.

I also have a webshots page (link in signature).

I have done google searches for various unusual nicks, and found some PUT'ers in some strange places.  It's not a strange place, but I just found you have a profile on Trailer Life.  Someone in British Columbia using the same nick has some personal ad somewhere, and someone with the same nick (I can't tell if it's you or not) is a member of Square

There were over 2600 hits in all for Brauma (mostly having to do with bulls) on Google.

Your activity on the internet is NOT private ;)



Runners World Forums
Popupexplorer occasionally
Several email groups



Quote from: AustinBostonIt's not a strange place, but I just found you have a profile on Trailer Life.  

Man, I forgot about Trailer Life. I went there for a while before I found this site.

I guess I should use a different screen name at the different forums but I use Brauma on most of them. Brauma is an old high school football nickname that stuck. Yes, you do need to be care ful of what you put on the Net.

I forgot about my blog: Check it out if you like garlic. The header on my blog mentions my web site: I just published this site so its still very much under construction. But if you're a garlic lover please check it out.


Occasionally on Infrant (makers of my ReadyNAS network storage device), AVS Forums, AV123 (makers of my Rocket speakers and bankrollers of my Emotiva audio equipment).  Used to browse RV Net's Open Roads forums, but ran out of time.

However, not much for the last couple of weeks -- my employer has implemented a strict "Websense" policy that blocks inappropriate places. is now inappropriate ==> "Clubs and message boards are filtered"
Same with AVS Forum.

(AV123 & Infrant are not blocked yet)

They even blocked and PETSMART.COM!!!!  As if looking for pet food is inappropriate!

OK, so how come they did not block: (biggest message board in the universe) (an HR rep told me it was the #1 visited site by our company's internet)



Working from home today, so I can browse via my own internet :)


Quote from: zamboniThey even blocked

I would tell them they either restore my access to the groups I have to have to do my job (can vary from Microsoft hierachy to Oracle hierarchy to independent groups in the comp.* or alt.* structures, or my rate increases by $20/hr to compensate for the additional effort I will have to put in.

I'm not joking...with me, google groups saves my clients thousands of dollars a month as I use it to deal with difficult or unusual problems.


Starcraft Dad


I post to almost daily
Several backpacking sites
Boat repair sites- when needed
Do a good bit of surfing to gather info, campgrounds, hiking trails, and what ever catchs my intrest that week.

Almost all use differant user names.


I am on several different message boards always use this nick or BlyGuy.
The forums I am at most often are

You may be able to tell I do a bit of prospecting in my free time. Thats what drew me here, I camp a lot while in search for the elusive yeller metal and sleeping on the ground after dredging all day just isn't as easy as it once was. looking4treasure and yellergold both belong to me. yellergold is still in the the infant phase but all are welcome.


and here
and this causes great consternation for my wife.
there is some other forums i will check out thanks to this thread



Yes, I do. Several camping, truck, running, and a little other stuff forums, but mostly camping.


Rawhide Kid

I post very little here since I don't have a PU...yet!
but post off and on at:
It's a site for Suzuki Burgman Scooter-ists.
I've had mine about 3 years now and enjoy it immensely.

Starcraft Dad

I spend most of my forum time over at RV.NET or at the UKCampsite.


Quote from: waveryThe only other place that I post is here:

I got that. You made me laugh, I had one of those days.