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Aaustin's Mileage Poll

Started by GeneF, May 16, 2007, 01:09 PM

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We are leaving AZ and driving and pulling the PU to NY for our nephews HS graduation. I budgeted $1400 just for gas. I figured it on 14 tank fulls at $100 each which comes out to $4+/gallon.  We have reservations made at several campgrounds. The rest of time we are winging it. It is still less expensive than I could get 3 airline tickets, car rental, gas and hotel stays to go site seeing. Everything has gone up (except the income). We just tighten our belts a little more and go and enjoy. Planning this way too long.

Mary Romeo


"My original comment was meant to indicate that most here are saying they would not curtail trips or would only marginally limit them. Gas prices would not be a huge factor. Oil companies catching wind of that would feel no pressure to slow the price increases."


Your comment goes along with my previoius post:

"Recent article says that some experts believe that we will alter our driving habits when gas hits $3.50 a gallon and others are saying it will have to get to $4.00 a gallon. Even with the spike in gas prices, demand for gasoline has gone up and we haven't hit the summer driving season yet."

Just wonder where the breaking point will really be.

If gas does hit $4.00 a gallon, It would cost me $100 to fill up my truck.  Now this is going to make me think, do I want to eat, or do I want to drive?


What is a taxi or a bus?  Nearest taxi or bus is over 35 miles away from me.  We live in a very rural area where these services are not available.  We have to drive to go to most places.  Nearest convenience store is 3 miles and nearest grocery store is eight miles.  Way we are trying to cut down is by consolidating trips or doing more than one errand at a time.

Now this is not getting snotty, but another factor may be the income of the people that can afford popups, etc.  Their income is most likely above the national average so they have more discretionary income to play with.  The choice here becomes, do I take DW out to dinner or do I spend the money on gas to go camping?  I still have enough money to buy my groceries.


Quote from: GeneFAustin

What is a taxi or a bus?  Nearest taxi or bus is over 35 miles away from me.  We live in a very rural area where these services are not available.  We have to drive to go to most places.  Nearest convenience store is 3 miles and nearest grocery store is eight miles.  Way we are trying to cut down is by consolidating trips or doing more than one errand at a time.

I think we're crossing up threads here...



Here is a link to a poll taken here in April 2005.

Looks like we are saying the same thing again.


Quote from: maromeoWe are leaving AZ and driving and pulling the PU to NY for our nephews HS graduation. I budgeted $1400 just for gas. I figured it on 14 tank fulls at $100 each which comes out to $4+/gallon. We have reservations made at several campgrounds. The rest of time we are winging it. It is still less expensive than I could get 3 airline tickets, car rental, gas and hotel stays to go site seeing. Everything has gone up (except the income). We just tighten our belts a little more and go and enjoy. Planning this way too long.
Mary Romeo
Where are you going in NY?


Quote from: GeneF"Using your example, it is not costing $400 more for every 1000 towing miles. It is indeed costing you more, but only the difference between what you used to pay, and what you pay now."
I agree with your statement but I used the $4 a gallon figure as an abritory figure as some news accounts say we are heading there.
When I plan a long trip, I like to have a budget figure for gas. So if I went with the trip to Utah and drove 7000 miles (4600 just getting to Moab and back). I would budget $2800 just for gas ($4 a gallon). Figure an average of $20 a night for camping for 60 nights and that is another $1200. So gas and camping alone would be $4000 for this trip. And I haven't figured in any food, truck maintence, souveniers or entertainment. If I estimate another $2000 for these expenses, then my trip budget for two months is roughly $6000. 48% of the cost of the trip is for gas. This means a budget of about $100 a day for two people.
Recent article says that some experts believe that we will alter our driving habits when gas hits $3.50 a gallon and others are saying it will have to get to $4.00 a gallon. Even with the spike in gas prices, demand for gasoline has gone up and we haven't hit the summer driving season yet.
We also have a budget for gas, especially with a long trip.  We are still looking at probably heading out to western Montana and Wyoming  (from the east) next year, and we already know that it will cost us dearly in fuel alone.
There was a news piece on the radio this morning talking about how people have already altered their fuel consumption as a lifestyle (younger people moving into urban areas, or using the delivery systems instead of using their own fuel).  
The automakers themselves drive the fuel consumption increase market as does our own Federal Government.  "Why would you buy the standard 4 cylinder when you can buy the six for only 1-2 miles less per gallon?"  "Let's classify this vehicle as a light truck and use the LOOPHOLE in the CAFE rating system."  "Let's make this truck real heavy and exempt it from CAFE."  "Yeah, it's got a Hemi..."
I grew up around diesels and still have a diesel car.  I think they should put the diesel back in the Suburban and Tahoes.  For some reason, there is this popular belief that not only does one need a BIG diesel, but one also needs a 3/4 ton frame to carry it.  Why?  I used to drive a diesel that had a 0-60 time of 34 seconds, worse if the A/C was on.  Now, granted, I would like a bit more acceleration than that, but it made it down the road - LITTLE BIT scary merging onto the DC beltway from 16th St, but ok.
Anyhow, it would be nice to pay less for fuel, but what happens when your family grows up and you held off because you weren't willing to pay the price?



We will be in Bayport LI from 06/23-6/28 then head up to Queensbury to see DH friend for a day. Then to Albany for DH's college buddies party weekend. From there we are heading to Niagara Falls to share that experinece with my daughter and then we will heading home just not sure which way we are heading back to AZ. I am so excited just to have some vacation time and time off of work for both of us.

Mary Romeo


Quote from: wynotAnyhow, it would be nice to pay less for fuel, but what happens when your family grows up and you held off because you weren't willing to pay the price?

Big consideration here is Willing or Able to pay the price.  Some folks may be willing to pay the price but are no longer able too.

Also, at what point does the value decrease enough that you won't do it anymore.  Example:  We started going to a campground a few years ago that we really liked.  Only about 1 1/2 hours from the house.  Rate was $26 a night.  Current rate for the same site is $38.  At this rate, the value is no longer there.  Same thing can happen with the price of gas, if it is too high, the value of camping may not be there.

I agree with you 100% about the family.  I was fortunate that my children were camping with us a few years back when gas was a lot cheaper.  They are on their own now.

But your question also holds true to me today in that what if I choose not to travel now?  At my stage of maturity, how long can I put off travelling?  It all depends on the individuals wants.


Quote from: GeneFBig consideration here is Willing or Able to pay the price.  Some folks may be willing to pay the price but are no longer able too.
Gene hits a big note here. As much as we'd like to be able to go farther for the buck, the employment picture here in MI is not that pretty. Me being un employed and DH just getting back to work after almost 6 mos, the 3 buck plus gas prices absolutely suck eggs. We will be doing all our camping this summer closer to home.

  I MISS THE FOREST BIG TIME, but for 2 nights camping to get to the forest we are looking at about $150 in gas for 2 nights of camping... then add another 30 for camping fees (food dosen't count we still have to eat either way) over 200 a weekend ,that is just not right no matter how you look at it.  will the gas prices effect our camping.......hell yes and it sucks!


Gas prices have put a crimp in my style, too.  Since I've retired the pricing keeps on climbing. I down sized for good reason! A lot of times me and an old fishing buddy will do a trip together in order to half the price of gas - but a lot of times we simply can't work the dates out.

I wanted in to pull the little popup out to Idaho & Montana but looks like I will instead have to fly out there using some frequent-flyer brownie points. Tote my fly rod and accessories along and ship some gear ahead via UPS and rent a car when I get there. Then stop at Wal-Mart and buy a tent and head for the NFS C/G. When the week's over give the tent to Good-Will, ship the special gear back, get on the plane and come home.



Quote from: flyfishermanGas prices have put a crimp in my style, too.  Since I've retired the pricing keeps on climbing. I down sized for good reason! A lot of times me and an old fishing buddy will do a trip together in order to half the price of gas - but a lot of times we simply can't work the dates out.

I wanted in to pull the little popup out to Idaho & Montana but looks like I will instead have to fly out there using some frequent-flyer brownie points. Tote my fly rod and accessories along and ship some gear ahead via UPS and rent a car when I get there. Then stop at Wal-Mart and buy a tent and head for the NFS C/G. When the week's over give the tent to Good-Will, ship the special gear back, get on the plane and come home.



Have a great trip.  I can understand why you are using the flying miles.

If we still take our trip out West this fall, Montana is one place I will be heading.  Hope to met up with an old friend and do some fishing with him.

I head out on my fishing trip up to northern NH next month.  Nice thing is that even though one of the guys doesn't drive up with me, he always pitches in a few bucks for gas.  He figures that since I am bringing the hotel, he can share some of the expense.


Quote from: maromeodthurk,
We will be in Bayport LI from 06/23-6/28 then head up to Queensbury to see DH friend for a day. Then to Albany for DH's college buddies party weekend. From there we are heading to Niagara Falls to share that experinece with my daughter and then we will heading home just not sure which way we are heading back to AZ. I am so excited just to have some vacation time and time off of work for both of us.
Mary Romeo
You'll be driving a great big circle right around us.  We live in the Cornng, NY area.  The only place you're staying where we've camped is Niagara Falls.  We stayed at Four Mile Creek SP and found it to be great.  Added advantage, free parking at Niagara Falls State Park, right at the falls.  It's an easy walk across the Rainbow Bridge to the Canadian side.  Make sure you take your birth certificates and photo ID for each individual.  
Have a great trip.