July24th-28th 2008-Lopez Lake

Started by Dee4j, Jul 24, 2007, 04:13 PM

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The STUDENT DRIVER got everyone home safely.  Lisa doesn't like DIRT and I don't like TRAFFIC.   Coming home, I felt more comfortable towing the trailer and now I have to find a place for me to learn how to back up.  
We had a  nice time at Lopez and wouldn't mind going back.   Sarah and Zach, our friends son, both got stung by bees.  We were anti-social this trip and only made it up the hill a handful of times.   We're hoping DH heals quick so he can get around better/easier.  
I learned alot about the trailer this weekend and even had to dump YUCK!!!!  We're going camping next weekend so we'll see how much I remember when I have to set up.  Thank you to Jamesdad for helping me this AM and also Laura for lending us her water hose.



Once again it was a great time. Good food, great company, good weather and liquid refreshmants flowing, what else could you ask for...oh yah..POKER..ha.
Even helping fellow campers/neighbors off the side of the highay was an adventure, it all just adds to the camping experience.
It was very nice to meet you John and Leann...and yes you need to be a little more creative on your screen name...look at mine..."Jamesdad"...my son is named James...Now that took a lot of thought and imagination and yes I may have copied "Griffsdad"..ha ha. We are looking forward to seeing you at the next campout, hope you make it.
See all of you at Pt Magu.


Another great weekend with friends!  What fun!!  The waterpark was a blast...the yellow jackets, not so much.  All the other wildlife we saw was cool...the deer being the best!  

However, we did miss you, Dee!!  We are glad to hear you are doing so well!

We left at noon, on the dot, and got home at 6:15 pm....we hit traffic in a few spots, and pulled off once to grab some fast food.  I just got both girls down for the night....I am set to relax with my Tivo to catch up on Big Brother!




Thanks everyone for a great rally.! It's all been said - but we loved seeing old friends and meeting so many new ones.  We left TOOOO late in the day @ 2PM and had very slow going from Santa Barbara to Camarillo - made us a tad cranky and added an hour and 15 to our trip!  Got home and Zach had cleaned up the entire house....WHAT?  Just when I thought we had to auction him to the highest bidder, we're going to keep him!

On behalf of Dan, I'd like to thank the men for the moral support, beers, and sympathy they gave him in light of our arrival Friday night.  You are all good friends.  Ladies - thank you for siding with ME the one who was RIGHT and not laughing too loudly like some people (Brandon...) when you realized that I was the one with the canoe lodged inside of my trailer instead of my food and clothing.  

Bob - maybe you can post those pictures along with a poll! haha!  

See ya'll very soon - it was a great weekend!:sombraro:


 I PM'd you.:)


We had a great time and we loved Lopez Lake. Dee we missed you, Dan, Kevin, and Kara. Hope you guys can make Pt. Mugu.
It was great seeing everyone again. Thanks to Kevin for the boat rides, and we love your new RV.
Jeanne Wey was the poker queen for the rally. The pot lucks were yummy.
Speedy recoveries to Dee, Richard, Jim, Wayne, and Brian. Jacqui and Randy, we miss you guys dearly and it was great camping with you again.


Quote from: griffsdadBEES BUT NO DEES/LOPEZ LAKE 08
Great title, that really summarized the weekend.

So we did finally get to use our tube today and had a great time on the water.
Got home safely and are busy unpacking and doing laundry, (our next RV will have a washer/dryer so we can do laundry on the trip home ;) )

Great to meet with some old friends and make new ones.
i took over 350 photos, so will sift through them and post the good ones later


What a great trip!  Thanks Kevin for the boat ride!  Please sift through those water park pictures carefully (send mine to me by PM please!).  Lori you are looking great! My son John enjoyed the poker games and is up for another one.  If OC Campers or 6Quigs are camping up in the Davis area, let us know...he wants a second chance at trying to get some SCcamper money.

We left on Sunday and stayed at Flying Flags for one night.  We took the boys to Solvang, ate danish and aebleskivers, and introduced Thomas to wine tasting at Fess Parker.  I know the other two younger boys were bored with us, but what a fun thing for a mom to do with her son.

Well, as far as the bees go, Brad, Thomas and I all got stung, and then we got the "no-see-ums" in Solvang, so we must have sweet skin!

Dee we missed you, everyone, get better and on the road to recovery, can't wait to see you all at Pt. Mugu!

Mary (& Brad, Thomas, John, & Sean)

OC Campers

The OC Campers made it home about 5pm.  We made 2 planned stops and 1 unplanned stop.  If anyone has ever driven the 5 fwy north you will usually never see a CHP car.  Well, Randy looked down to switch stations on the XM radio and swerved a little (ok, it waa a lot) and guess who was watching.  Yup, a CHP was behind us.  Pulled us over and asked if Randy was drinking? Did he fall asleep? Was there anyone in the camper? Where did the camper come from (we didn't have plates on it yet cause it was new) Lucky for us we just got a warning about safe driving and he let us go.  WHEW!!
We had a great time at the rally.  We missed you Dee but inspite of it had a lot of fun.  We sure miss our SCCamper friends.  It was also fun seeing all the new trailers that everyone had.  I think hybrids actually outnumbered the popups this trip.  
Hope to see everyone next year.  We just have to figure out where.


We had a great time and it was nice to see everyone again


I went through the photos and seem to have taken a bunch of just my kids at the water slides and out on the boat tubing, but did manage to capture a few other people as they tried their best to look gracefull on the water slides, so here they are:



great pics..I wish I was there!!! Kevin love the new rig and Is tha Oc Camperws new hybrid next to 6quigs...Nice

hope to see everyone at pt mugu


Another great camp out was so much fun seeing everyone and meeting new people.......We stayed one night at Travel Village in Valencia to break up the trip home. The pool was perfect and I spent as much time as I could in it....... This was a very hard trip for Jim.  He spent most of his time in bed or sitting in a chair.  Looks like a new Knee for him......To bad he wasn't next to Richard then they could have sat around together.......Get well you guys......
Dee I tried to tend the fire but I do not have the '' Dee Touch "  Plus, I go to bed at midnight..........Hahaaaa  just didn't want to leave Jim alone for such a long time I remember what it's like to sit alone.........Hugs Honey
Sooooooooooooooooo Hurry back Dee we need you......!!!!!!!
I'll try to get my pic's up soon......Now I need to get off and start Laundry.......Boy are we home.......Yuck !

OC Campers

Carol, you did just fine with the fire.  It was nice and big.  Shook I didn't have to shave.  My leg hairs burned off from the heat of it:o :D .

Yup, we were right next to 6 Quigs.  We really enjoyed the new camper and are looking forward to another trip out in 2 weeks with Zambonie/Glen.  He has the same trailer as us so we will be able to compare campers.:D