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Initial Help

Started by geronimo, Aug 31, 2007, 05:01 AM

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I've been enjoying reading the posts for sometime now. However I'm a little confused with the initials being used. I figured out TT means travel trailer. But what does DH stand for?


TV actually stands for tow vehicle.  TT means travel trailer.  PUP is pop-up.  

DH means dear (or another not-so-nice "d" word) husband.
DW= dear wife
DD    dear daughter
DS           son
DGK  grandkids
DK  kids
ad nauseum.


Quote from: sewseriousTV actually stands for tow vehicle.  TT means travel trailer.  PUP is pop-up.  

DH means dear (or another not-so-nice "d" word) husband.
DW= dear wife
DD    dear daughter
DS           son
DGK  grandkids
DK  kids
ad nauseum.
Thank you...



There's lots of them...

IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer
IANALBIPOTI - I Am Not A Lawyer But I Pretend On The Internet
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
BTW - By The Way
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
TT - Travel Trailer
PUP - Pop-UP
HTT - Hybrid Travel Trailer
TV - Tow Vehicle (not television)
NP - National Park
SP - State Park


There's a regular here (Tim5055?) who has a page full of them; hopefully someone will post a link.

Update: Larry beat me to it!
