A friendly note on reservations and cancellations

Started by griffsmom, Sep 17, 2007, 02:41 AM

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Hey Lori -

Just my .02 - I think you should copy your original post, sticky it and lock it at the top so newbies like reluahyot will know that drill and those of us who can't remember can easily refer to it.

;) Kristi


Quote from: DK&3kidsHey Lori -
Just my .02 - I think you should copy your original post, sticky it and lock it at the top so newbies like reluahyot will know that drill and those of us who can't remember can easily refer to it.
;) Kristi

I'll tell Lori to stickie this for everyone's benefit.


Quote from: griffsdadI'll tell Lori to stickie this for everyone's benefit.
Exactly, but bump up the original info to make it easy to read - it was really a good idea!


Quote from: JamesdadGriffsdad,
You already work for me and I"m not going to sub you out..ha ha...:) They will have to find there own legal counsel. Is this a conflict of interest if you represent someone else in our camp group??:)

Kevin is your BOSS !!!!   HaaaaaaHaaaaaa   that's gotta suck!  I just found a whole new world  for giving you crap Dave>  So watch out what you do to me or I'll tell your Boss!  LOL


Okay, all you yahoos. I have re-posted the original post here: http://arveeclub.com/showthread.php?t=64606 and have locked it so that it doesn't get lost in the mad shuffle that is SCCampers. I am unsticking this thread but feel free to continue posting your funniness here.


Quote from: griffsmomOkay, all you yahoos. I have re-posted the original post here: http://arveeclub.com/showthread.php?t=64606 and have locked it so that it doesn't get lost in the mad shuffle that is SCCampers. I am unsticking this thread but feel free to continue posting your funniness here.

yahoos?? Who you calling yahoos?? you must be referring to Viking, Griffsdad & wavery :p


Quote from: Dee4jyahoos?? Who you calling yahoos?? you must be referring to Viking, Griffsdad & wavery :p
the yahoos know who they are....;)


Quote from: griffsmomthe yahoos know who they are....;)
HEY!!!! I resemble that remark :swear:


Quote from: waveryHEY!!!! I resemble that remark :swear:

ya you do you big trouble maker  :D  :J


I have always been fond of YAHOO'S.......... :-()


WHY ISN'T MY COLOR WORKING????????? :eyecrazy:


Quote from: cjpoppinWHY ISN'T MY COLOR WORKING????????? :eyecrazy:
The easiest way to do it (I think) is to type out your sentence, word or letter, go over it with your cursor and highlight it. Then click on "Color". Click on the color that you want and it is all done for you :D .


Quote from: Dee4jyahoos?? Who you calling yahoos?? you must be referring to Viking, Griffsdad & wavery :p
If you have to ask that question, guess what - you're a Yahoo!


Quote from: griffsdadIf you have to ask that question, guess what - your're a Yahoo!
Did you mean...."Ya'll are"? :J


Quote from: cjpoppinWHY ISN'T MY COLOR WORKING????????? :eyecrazy:

 Just a side note. When you start a comment, or sentence with "color", you have to "close" it with the same choice which is "color".
 Example:     yahoo

   Choose your color (color=teal)yahoo then you hit close current tag that is on the far right with a box that has a red X in it.