A friendly note on reservations and cancellations

Started by griffsmom, Sep 17, 2007, 02:41 AM

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Quote from: cjpoppinYou guys Lori,Dee are killing me here I thought I was way cooool using computer lingo and I get shot down......Hahaaaaaa
Son-in-Law was so darn long to type........Heeheeeeee
Do you think Saturday Night Live could Help? I'll give it a try......THANKS!
Anyone have the email address :eyecrazy:

pssst..Carol..."SIL" ;)


Quote from: griffsmompssst..Carol..."SIL" ;)

Hahaaaaaa the JOKE"s on me isn't it..........That's what I get for trying to be coooooool...... :J


Maybe she refers to him as "son n law" ??  If so, SNL would apply... :)


Quote from: cjpoppinHahaaaaaa the JOKE"s on me isn't it..........That's what I get for trying to be coooooool...... :J

Carol you keep on being cool...we love ya...besides it put excitement into our day :D