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Modify Water Tank?

Started by northwad, Sep 19, 2007, 09:10 PM

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Hello Everyone-

I have searched the forum and either am too stupid or blind but I can't find this idea I have.

A little background first-  I just bought a 2002 Coleman Bayside with a watertank complete with pump.  My DW, 2 children and I plan to only stay in campgrounds with hook ups.  I have already removed the 3 way Dometic Fridge and replaced it with a "dorm" style. We do not plan to "dry camp" with this PU.  

So, today I hooked up the water lines and tested everything.  The problem is that the sink just drains to the ground and not into a "grey water" tank.  Am I missing something here?  Is there a "grey water" tank in each site?????   I think not, and do not want to buy a seperate tank when I have a PERFECTLY GOOD tank just sitting underneath my PU now!  I am referrring to the "holding tanks" for water to be used when "dry camping," which as we already decided I am NOT going to be doing.

So, here is my question-  Has anyone ever tried to modify the "holding tanks" to be the new "grey water" tank?  How hard is it and is it even feasable?  I'm thinking  I could reroute the drain hose from the sink into the tank, fill it up with grey water while camping and then attach a drain to it that can be opened when we break camp....WHAT DO YOU THINK?????????



And if you fill the "new gray water tank" while camping, then what? Do you tear everything down to haul the trailer to the dump site or bring a tank you can haul? if so why destroy the resale value of the trailer as you'd never sell it with a contaminated fresh water tank when you'll be bringing a tank to drain it off anyway.
Not to mention that then you'll be just another trailer in the long Sunday line at the dump station instead of on your way home.


To the best of my knowledge, this question has only been asked once before, so I'm not surprised you did not find an answer.

My opinion is, don't.  Someone may want to use that tank for it's intended purpose in the future.  It is not a big deal to use a separate gray tank on wheels (what we do) or a couple of 5-gallon totes for grey water that are dumped as needed.  I would suggest, if you use a tank on wheels that you think about what it will weigh when it is full of water.  If I were buying a tank today, I'd get a 10-gallon one instead of 15.

BTW, whatever you do, don't let your gray water dump on the ground.  In many places, it is illegal (at least one state has a $5,000 fine), it contaminates the site, and some of the things in the gray water will attract vermin.



I would agree -

I haven't boondocked (yet!) but I might in the future.  
I prefer sites with water and electric, but don't always get them...  so I have to tote water anyway.
The sink, even raised, is still to short and too small for my 5'9" height.  so I just don't use it - except as a catchall for little things I don't want to roll off the counter.  

Neither of my PUP's had showers, only sinks, so I removed the water tank on BOTH my past PUP's - but stuck 'em up in the attic of the garage "just in case" they were ever wanted again.  A well taken care of PUP tends to outlast it's owners, or the owners 'evolve' and change their camping habits.  So I like to keep things with as much versatility as possible. If I ever felt the need to build a shower Into my current PUP, that's what I would use the water tank for - I still probably wouldn't use it for drinking or dishes.

We also still tent camp, canoe camp, and camp with scouts - so much of our equipment has to be 'multiple use' - portable stoves, portable water tanks, porta -potty, etc.

So I would go for a hose hooked up to a wheeled grey -water tank.  Or, if you are on a limited budget, like me - I'd adapt something. An old water jug on a dolly or luggage cart, perhaps, with a hose to connect it to the camper.  

I still prefer to do my dishes, etc in dishpans on the table.   A tiny bit of powder bleach in the rinse water kills germs, and uses much less water than rinsing under a tap. Easier on my back, more room to spread out, and easier to clean up afterward. (The dishpans stack, or can be used as drawers for stuff, too. )

If you really want to hook up and have the grey water inside - I would get ANOTHER tank and install it, instead - and because it does get 'stuff' in it, I would still make it a wheeled one so you could remove it to clean out settled gunk.



I see all of your points and I AGREEE!!!!  Thank you- I will NOT modify my watertank.  I will buy a portable one tommorow...thanks.
