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Could you do it?

Started by GeneF, Sep 21, 2007, 03:16 PM

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Quote from: GeneFA few years back, dw was very into the Olympics.  We were going camping during this time and she insisted that we take the tv with us so she could watch the games.

Once we got there she was ready to turn on the tv, however we were dry camping. :)

Actually, neither of us even thought that we were dry camping as we never took a tv with us before.

LOL, Gene.  A few years ago we camped next to someone that had their tv on dawn to way-past-dark watching the Olympics.  Drove me batty!

Yep ~ could easily do without the electronics.  I do take my cell phone and we keep FRS radios in the PU (sometimes we even get them out and use them!).  Usually pack a radio/cd player and then forget to plug it in.  Usually take a weather radio and forget to plug it in.  (Trying to remember to use that one!)  I let the kids all take headphones one trip and ended up taking them all away because they fought like cats and dogs if I made them turn them off and help out!  Now no mp3 players/cd players with headphones.  I do let DS play his GameBoy when the girls are getting on his nerves!  Never take a televison, dvd player or laptop.


Use electric hook-ups but a radio is the entertainment along with books to read, bicycles to ride, play dominoes; and take walks frequently. The TV stays home but accompanying cell phone is "required" by job.


Could we do it? Yep.........

Do we want to? Nope.......

A few years ago, when we were tent campers, we generally went without much in the way of convenience items. About the only things we took that used electricity were flashlights. The older kids were much younger and DD03 wasn't even born yet so we didn't need or want the convenience or hassle of modern electronics.

One of the reasons we went to a popup was for the convenience. The A/C in the summer time, the furnace in the early spring and fall. Now along with  that convenience we have also added a number of electronic items that we find to be..............well........convenient! :p

We have, first off, our cell phones. They often don't work were we are camping but thats OK because we usually turn them off anyway. We do have them in case we need to contact somebody or, more importantly for an emergency, but for the most part though we don't use them.

Next we have a NOAA radio receiver which is always set to the local county codes were we will be camping. This we will not camp without. It will warn us if there is a severe  thunderstorm approaching, or a tornado, or a flash flood. We don't camp without it.

We also have the FRS radios. These, I feel are a convenience in that we could do without them, but they are nonetheless an important part of our overall safety arsenal. If DW and DD03 want to go to the showers or the older kid want to go ride their bikes in another part of the park we can use these FRS to keep in touch. Again, there


no electronics!  noooooooo!
I have 3 boys under 5 and they watched a movie on our last trip because my aunt brought a dvd player and it was pouring down rain, BUT I brought books, board games and toys and they didn't even use them!  After that one movie, we went out and puddle jumped, took walks in the woods, watched bugs, fished.  It was great!  I will definately implement a rule when they are older that there will be nothing brought that requires electricity or batteries:)  It's just the way I like it.


Noooo electronics, with the exception of a cell phone for emergencies only. Sometimes game-boys and I-pods for the drive to/fom only--then they're locked in the TV until departure. Kind of akes them talk to each other and us and play board games.


We just returned from a weekend trip where we had no electronics.  We parked, and turned off the phones.  On the way home we turned them on and there was a voicemail, but found that the world continued to rotate.

We let the kids take DVD players and my son gets his game boy for the trip.  If I'm in the middle of the semester, I usually take my laptop so I can do my homework, but that's about it.  The DVD players and game boy don't even leave the TV.  We've never taken a television.


Hi Gene,
Great question!
I bring my CPAP (kind of necessary) but that's it! When we do our reunion camping over the 4th of July, I've FINALLY convinced my kids that the grandchildren can have just as much fun if the DVD players, MP3 Players, etc are left home and instead gather around the campfire!


give me a good book and I'm perfectly content!


I have to admit the more we camp it seems the more stuff everyone wants to bring. I will say that even with all the electronics we always find the time to sit and play board games or cards. Some of the best fun we have had are sitting around the picnic table playing games.


The kids always seem to bring the electronic toys each time we camp, but we all enjoy the board games and card games.  Best times are also outside at the picnic table or sitting around the campfire.  :)


Next year we're planning on backpacking with at least our daughter.  The longest I ever backpacked was 16 days- No technology other than what I carried.

My kids are fine with or without.  On the road it makes life easier to have some electronic entertainment but we've certainly gone five days without radio, DVD, etc- just dry camping.  In Baja last year we tent camped and the highest tech device in daily use was the propane lantern.

OTOH last weekend because it was just my son and I for 2 nights I left the DVD and Ipod at home.  Then it rained all day Saturday- If not for Griffsmom's dominos and Darksiders' TV the cabin fever would have been extreme.

Done Working

We do it all the time. Actually we don't even think about it. We bring books, we draw, play cards, chop wood ride bicycles and on it goes. No problems what so ever. Best thing going. Our 2 children are really deprived.


We can do without all that but usually have a cell phone.  I don't use it unless I have to, but with parents who are nearing 80 I just feel more comfortable knowing they can get in touch if they need to.  (Although, so far this year only one trip has had service at the cg, so I probably could leave the phone at home, too).  We have a small TV with DVD player that we sometimes take along, but so far this year haven't even turned it on.  And, somewhere in the camper is a weather radio just in case.  And, if a digi camera counts as electronics, then I'm guilty all the time.