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What does everyone do for a living??

Started by spicyville1, Apr 24, 2008, 02:22 PM

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Saw this on another forum. Thought it would be neat to see all the responses. I am an Account Manager for a very large trucking company. Been with them 19 years and counting. Hope to retire and do what I want in about  2 or 3 more years.  :-()

My wife is an Oncology RN of 13 years.


Im an a Account Manager for a large frozen pizza company.


I manage an apartment complex in Beverly Hills. I've been doing this for 8 years and I love it. The only problem is, I have too much time on my hands.  :p  

I used to be a car dealership Service Manager  :eyecrazy: .

We are looking forward to retirement (again) in 5 years :-() .


DH has been serving in fulltime ministry for 38 years. I worked in an administrative capacity for years but am partially "retired" and working as a merchandiser. Looking for toward to DH's retirement in 4 years. Hope we can still afford to buy gasoline then to do some of the travelling we have dreamed about.

OC Campers

I am an accounting clerk for Wally World and my hubby is a regional operations manager for a large electrical wholesale company.  


I am a student attempting to become a secondary-level math teacher (in my past life I was a stay-at-home mom and prior to that a supply clerk/secretary for the maintenance shop at a Naval R&D installation).

DH is an industrial/commercial electrician.

Good thread idea!


I am a retail trainer / HR person for a midwest retailer.  Our product lines are aimed at small farms, rural families, tradespeople and automotive customers.

I love the job becuae I get to do a bit of everything, from working on the sales floor to running register to training and HR. I'm a big do-it-yourselfer and love the home improvement departments.  I've built swingsets and gas grills, sold hog fencing and dog kennels, worked in the garden center and can look up parts for your car or small engine equipment.  The Agriculture & sporting goods areas have lots of things for camping, trailers, hardware supplies - you name it.  Yesterday, I actually got to try my hand at Welding! one of our manufacturer reps was doing demos, and I learned I actually have a pretty good touch for welding!

Only thing is, the job doesn't pay as well as I'd like.  However, one benefit is that it's only 1 mile from home - so I can save my gas for CAMPING!


Miller Tyme

<<<---(under my user name):W
I'm foreman for a drywall company.
GF is a cook at the local high school.


Just got off of a three month vacation in Florida and had to go back to retirement.  Darn.

High School Teacher 30 years
DW - High School Teacher 35 years.


I'm a tech at a Lexus dealer, been there for 4 years. Before that I was a tech at a Ford dealer for 6 years. Love the work, the company I work for is probably the best in the business which makes it alot easier to get up and go to work everyday.


I drive a cement mixer and my wife is self employed as a personal assistant. She has several clients that she performs a variety of duties for, most of it from home.


I'm a violinist.  I perform with the local regional Orchestra (//
as well as in a string quartet and as a violin/keyboard duo with DW.  We perform for wedding ceremonies, cocktail hours, dinners, formal receptions and other events.  I also teach band students in 3 elementary school buildings in the local district.  DW and I teach private lessons at home, and DW conducts a church choir.  Oh, we also own and operate a small motel, currently as monthly rentals so we can go camping in our "spare time".

I hope to retire from the school job in 5 years when DD#3 graduates from HS.  Might want to full time for a few years at that point.  Lord knows we could use the rest.  Don't know how long I could go without playing, though.  Don't really want to give that up.


I work in Purchasing/Shipping and Receiving for a major hotel.  This is one of the reasons why I love camping - after spending at least 40 hours/week in a hotel the last place I want to spend my free time and/or vacation is in a hotel.  Most of the time I like my job and it's fun to meet people.  A few years ago Griffsmom was even one of our guests and I had a nice chat with her.   Recently I met one of the Red Wings (darn them, anyway) who was sending 4 tax returns out on April 15.  lol


IT Director for a non-profit that deals with developmentally disabled adults.


DW is an executive assistant/accountant with a commercial real estate company.

Formerly, I was a infrastructure(telecom/data cabling and systems) project manager for 10 years.


I am a third grade teacher and DH is a pro sales representative for ICI Paints (Glidden, Ralph Lauren).