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Stained Glass entry door window

Started by campnagle, May 15, 2008, 05:00 PM

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My new stained glass door window, I also changed frame from black to white. I checked several sources but Kathy at RV stained glass was great and seemed to have the most experience with the RV application. Inside looking out is just beautiful and I know I'll have hummingbirds come to it.


That's gorgeous!!  My aunt does stained glass and she did a window for their RV.  I wish I had a picture of it, but they have since upgraded and no longer own it.  They live in Iowa and are snowbirds.  She designed the window to be a piece of home while on the road.  It was a rural scene with a barn that looked exactly like their old barn,  wild roses (state flower), etc.  It sure is cool to see someone else that has a stained glass window. sister also does stained glass....



That is Beautiful..
I wonder if I could do that with the PUP door?? :D
Happy Camping