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Our new little camper

Started by mach8274, May 23, 2008, 08:31 PM

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:-() We finally took delivery of our new camper. :-()  

Norah Elizabeth was born 5/21 at 7:49 am. 7lb., 8oz. and very healthy.
I'm already trying to convince DW to take her camping. DW just keeps shaking her head. :rolleyes:  I guess it will just be me and DS for awhile. Oh well, I hope to get her out in the pup in the Fall. We would just like her to be able to sleep through the night so we don't disturb other campers. :tent:  That's what we did with DS and it worked well.

Dave :!


Congrats!  Welcome to your newest addition!  Buy the book babywise and follow the plan and she'll be sleeping through the night in a few weeks. Honest.  Our twins slept through the night at ten weeks because of that book.

What a beautiful name too.

Again, congrats.


Congratulations to you guys!!!!

Babies sleeping through the night? :yikes:  Surely sir, you jest!!  My daught still owes me about 236,000hrs of sleep!

The other book that should be part of the arsenal is, "Parenting With Love and Logic."  It'll change the way you do business with your kidlets.


Congratulations to all concerned!

Nothing so much gives hope to the furure as that of new life.

And ... we need all the popup campers we can get! :sombraro:



Congratulations to both of you. I'm betting it won't be too long until you have her out camping with you.


I was hoping that's what the title of the thread meant! Congratulations and welcome to sweet Norah Elizabeth.

I know you two already have a child and have the parenting thing down. But for anyone reading and wondering about the sleep thing, I highly recommend The No-Cry Sleep Solution:Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley. It's a much more compassionate method, based on understanding the child's cues, sleep cycles and needs. And it's really effective! It is highly recommended by doctors, lactation consultants, mental health professionals and grateful parents.


 Congratulations on your new lil' camper!  



Tell your wife we camped with Jessie last year at 3 weeks and 9 weeks of age. It was 100 degrees, but we had lots of shade, and didn't spend as much time outside as we wanted. But we camped!


Done Working

To you your son and your wife.  
Babies are such a wonderful thing.


Congratulations on your new blessing!