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Started by sandykayak, Apr 29, 2009, 02:04 PM

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I saw the pix via the link posted on the Element forum.  One of the pix with lots of Aliners showed 3 awnings (blue/turquoise) that seemed to be attached to the to of the A.  Are these the Paha Que $500 jobbies?  

Putting up an E-Z-Up style canopy solo is quite a job.  And even the Paha Que video shows 2 people it weighs something like 45 lbs!

I got a Quik Shade (sp?) lightweight one but haven't used it yet.  But I really like the look (ok, so it's a girl thing!) of a canopy that follows the A contours of the camper.

The REI Alcove looks like a bear to put out, plus it doesn't have screening.  I've seen the ones in the Files section of the aframes forum and none of them grabs me.  I saw a nice striped on in the photo of the FL rally in the Aliner's Owner's forum, but not sure how it was made.

Looks as if they have 3 poles extending and the fabric is draped over that somehow.  Can't wait for the October FL rally.

I'd be interested in comments, ideas...


Quote from: sandykayakI saw the pix via the link posted on the Element forum.  One of the pix with lots of Aliners showed 3 awnings (blue/turquoise) that seemed to be attached to the to of the A.  Are these the Paha Que $500 jobbies?

We saw several of the Paha Que at the recent Southeast Coastal Aliner's Rally in South Carolina - here are some photos from the meet:

I guess there was a half dozed folks using the PahaQues, but most folks were simply using 10by10 and 12by12 canopies just outside their Aliner's doors.