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Turn Around Trip

Started by dkutz, Oct 26, 2009, 10:54 AM

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I was thinking yesterday on the way home, that it would be fun to do one of those "turn around" trips on a bus to Laughlin with SCCampers


you were thinking and driving at the same time? I'm impressed!!!


Or as Wayne would say... Bite ME!!


Is that why you got off the freeway shortly after getting on the freeway on the way home yesterday? Needed to pull over to think???:confused:


Quote from: Hoagie;212031Is that why you got off the freeway shortly after getting on the freeway on the way home yesterday? Needed to pull over to think???:confused:

Stalker!!!  We stopped at Walmart.  No trip is complete without a trip to Walmart...  now stop following me.:U


Had to follow you. Couldn't get going fast enough to pass you!! :eyecrazy:


always in a hurry to get home, and to Walmart.
We had to replace the collapsible trash can the Squirrels ate through...


Quote from: dkutz;212034always in a hurry to get home, and to Walmart.
We had to replace the collapsible trash can the Squirrels ate through...

Which doubled as a fun, portable fort for the boys for a while.
Gotta love those squirrels. I thought Whitney was really hungry until I caught a pair of them emptying her food bowl Saturday morning. Gotta remember to empty that as soon as she stops eating.


SPELLCHECK:    All correct Dieter...


Quote from: mrsoreo57;212036SPELLCHECK:    All correct Dieter...

nope spelled collapsable wrong..and just for the record most the time it's not that he can't spell it's he can't type...his fingers don't listen to what he's saying :)


Quote from: Dee4j;212042nope spelled collapsable wrong..:)

col⋅laps⋅i⋅ble  /kəˈl'pbəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuh-lap-suh-buhl] Show IPA

–adjective 1.capable of collapsing or of being collapsed, as for carrying or storing.


colúlapse (k-lps)
v. colúlapsed, colúlapsúing, colúlapsúes
v.intr. 1. To fall down or inward suddenly; cave in.
2. To break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function: a monarchy that collapsed.
3. To fold compactly: chairs that collapse for storage. To cause to fold, break down, or fall down or inward.
n. 1. The act of falling down or inward, as from loss of supports.
2. An abrupt failure of function, strength, or health; a breakdown.
3. An abrupt loss of perceived value or of effect: the collapse of popular respect for the integrity of world leaders.
[Latin collb, collps-, to fall together : com-, com- + lb, to fall.]
colúlapsiúbiliúty n.


aaah my son failed me..that's what I get for asking him while he's playing a game..I stand corrected..


Yes, and our faith in you as a spell-checker has now completely collapsed.:D


so back to the topic...
Turn around trip.
amazing how quickly a thread gets jacked around here.
Turn around trip?