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RE: Posting Suggestions

Started by got woody?, Jan 15, 2003, 10:51 PM

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 Post your reviews of places you have visited as well as questions about places you would like to camp.
 When posting to Campground Reviews by Region pleas try to make it easier on everyone.  While the forums are divided up by area of the country, please include at least the state abbreviation in the title of each post. If possible, include the campground name.  An example title would be:
 Little River Village CG - TN
 Additionally, do a search on the campground name before starting a new thread. If one already exists for the location you want to comment on add to the old one.  It is easier for people to read through one thread with several comments rather then having to open multiple threads.

got woody?

 moderator1I also thought it might be helpful to have a link to the Archives from the Snitz forums since there is a wealth of reviews there as well
 Try this:

Jo Ann

 moderator1got woody??????  what the heck kinda name is it aussie for asking about fire wood OR is it something that we aren t allowed to discuss on this forum???
 and i do agree about the archives...i think they will all be available when steve can get to setting it up...steve deserves tons and tons of kudos and gifts...[:)]