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Sactobaby has arrived!

Started by SactoCampers, Jun 16, 2004, 05:59 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Great news Brian!!   :)

Glad to hear everyone is alright.

Just when you thought the end of diapers was near ...   ;)



Glad to see that someone will take your place as the defender of minivans and one that can unimpededly spew worthless formulas of gear to incline to speed ratio.

Congratulations to all of you and now Brian, does that mean you will have to really bump up to a true hard side?  If you do, you'll have to give up that minivan dude.



Congratulations Brian & Jennifer on your new son. :#


Welcome to Tyler! We have missed to SACTOCAMPERS at the recent rallies and look forward to meeting the newest member soon. Enjoy yourselves.

Debbie, Rod, Nathan and Rachel


Lon and I add our congrats to Sacto-Ty.
How long before he wagonmasters?
hugs to all

Ab Diver

Quote from: SactoCampersYes, it's true!
Sactobaby has arrived!
Baby boy Tyler Sage was born on June 15 at 5:06 P.M. weighing 8 lbs 1 oz and measuring 20 1/4 inches long.
Welcome to Life, Tyler! I'm sure you'll do great, you've certainly got good genes.
QuoteMrs. Sactocampers was a trooper going through 14 hours of labor with minimal meds. She is doing well and little Ty is doing great too. He's a cute, quiet, mellow little far.
Wow, tough lady. 14 hours! But the rest of us wanna know something MUCH more important, Bri... how many meds did YOU take? (Bill Cosby said you can have all you want)
QuoteSo, for those trying to follow the family tree we now have:
Mrs. Sactocampers
(jump forward 15 years to when the Sacto family has two teenagers in in doctorate school, 2 pre-teens graduating early from high school, an elementary school 6-year-old (he teaches the class), the 3-year-old twins running the kindergarden for the school district, a tired old dog living off the residuals from his hit TV series, a proud and beaming Mrs. Sacto, and Brian, pulling the famliy fifth-wheel with the Binford 3000 double-slider porta-hitch he bolted to the roof rack of his aging minivan)
"Hey, gang, looks like we'll miss the 18th annual NNC/SCC event, we're gunna have a baby and it's supposed to arrive right about the time the potluck is happening. Sorry, looks like we'll have to bow out for the 16th straight year..."
QuoteLooking forward to getting out camping and letting you all meet him.
Have a great time in Pismo!
Yeah, yeah--- sure, right.... See you in the summer of 2020.
:) ;) :D
Major Congrats, my friend! MANY happy wishes to the Sacto family. Give Momma a hug for all of us.


Quote from: otterLon and I add our congrats to Sacto-Ty.
How long before he wagonmasters?
hugs to all
Actually the real question is how long before he signs up for a rally and then pulls a Sacto? ;)
hey Brian, if you happen to find yourself up in the middle of the night and can't sleep anytime soon, we'd love to see some pics of the little guy. :D


Quote from: g-whizI'm just wondering why no SactoKitty?  ;)

Me two.  ;)

Was gonna congratulate you for being half-way to my brood, but I see Kev beat me to it!!  LOL

Welcome to the newest camper among us ... and congratulations to his family!