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RE: HalfDome Hyjinx

Started by Civil_War_Buff, Mar 11, 2003, 03:34 PM

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 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteYou all had a much better Yosemite experience than we did.
Sure looks like it Jeff, You have posted here more tiomes than anyone who actually went on the  Rally.
 Here are a few photos to make you even more jealous of the great time we all had.
 p.s. we did miss you this weekend.
 There was definetly a shortage of boys for our eldest boy to play with, so he had to do with hanging out with the girls.[&:]

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaKevin -
 Thanks for the pic s.!  Yeah, we sure wish we could have gone and we missed all of you too.
 Well, my one day as office manager is over and I m back out into the big wide world ...


 Red neff BarchettaI was wondering what the climb up priests grade was:
 Old Priests grade = 1575 ft rise/10560 (2 miles) run = 15% grade!
 Priests grade (hwy-120) = 1575 ft rise/26400 (5 miles) run = 6% grade. Not bad, but slow and winding.


 SactoCampersThanks for the numbers Sacto.
 I was curious just how steep it was.
 and yes Tania, that was us stopping at McDonalds for 4 happy meals with the popup in tow at Oakdale.


 Red neff BarchettaHey Neff,
  To answer your question on where the CALSTATES are they are stil camping until the end of the week.I think thats what Joan said?


 Hey Neff,
  To answer your question on where the CALSTATES are they are stil camping until the end of the week.I think thats what Joan said?

 Hello everyone, we made it back Fri. around 7pm due to the Labor Day traffic.
 First we would like to thank everyone who was able to attend.
 Second Yosemite Lakes is one boring campground when all your friends leave.
 It s one thing to go camping by yourselves and be prepared for it, and completely
 different when you are excited because of another rally, and all of a sudden
 all of your FRIENDS leave for home. (insert big tear here)
 Sammyslave fish and game came by on Tues. and stocked the lake and river.
 They were catching 3 pound rainbows up by the lake at the bridge.
 6Quigs on Wed. night we were serenaded by 3 violinists playing Irish music.
 We are also glad to hear that you enjoyed the campground. For some reason
 a lot of people have a preconcieved notion that they will be in a RV parking lot.
 I know of only one that is and it is in Las Vegas. I doubt many people go there to camp. All the ones we have been to are like Yosemite.
 That said the planing for Halfdome Hijinx 2 are under way.
 Due to the fact that the date was changed and caused a conflict with the staggered
 school starting dates, people expressed an interest in returning next July.
 So if there is enough interest we will start another thred for next year and Joan will start planning it. Yup Neff you may have a second chance!
 Once again thanks to all of you, and thank you for your photos.
 I took the digi cam and the video cam and only took one pic.[:@]


 Red neff BarchettaHi all, glad everyone made it home safely.   Sal was correct when he stated it sure was boring after you all left.  I even had to talk to him!!![;)].
 I have already discussed another rally for next year with the Yosemite Lakes Superhost Manager (Walt) and he said it is not too early to schedule one for next year.  He also said we could do it for 5 days or more if we wish, so with that in mind how about these dates:
 July 29, 30, 31, Aug. 1, and 2
 August 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
 I would prefer these dates because of all the contract work I have to do at work at the end of the Fiscal year.   But we can also go with:  July 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26th.  I believe the price would stay at $24 per night, but will have to confirm when I make the reservatons.
 Please let me know what dates you all would prefer and I will schedule it for next year for Half Dome Hijinx II.  Neff, maybe you can make this one and I ll try not to change the dates on you this time.  [:)]
 Also, for future reference, if anyone would like to reserve a site at the Public Area of Yesemite Lakes the phone number is:  800-533-1001 or (209) 962-0121.   For those of you who were there, this is the area that was on the hill on the right side of the road before you turned into the Ranger station.  They are also " full"  hook-ups and have full use of the facilities like the club house, shuffle board, miniture golf, etc.  The Superhost (Walt) also said that he didn t expect the price to go up next year so it will stay at $35 per night.  AND, they do not bother you about membership either.
 So, let me know what weekend you all prefer and I ll get to scheduling the rally for next year.


 Red neff BarchettaHi Joan,
 Just to let you know we do have something planned for July 24,25 2004, so anytime would be good.


 Red neff BarchettaSCCS, thanks, we will wait and see what the others vote for.


QuoteJuly 29, 30, 31, Aug. 1, and 2
 August 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

 Hello Joan,
 It looks like either date will work for us; however, the July dates would be better.  Thanks for planning HalfDome Hyjinx II [:)] [:)]


QuoteAugust 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

 Hello Joan,
 I just got a call today announcing my husbands 20 year class reunion is the weekend of July 30 - Aug 1 so that weekend will be out for us now.  The weekend of August 5 - 9 will work though[:)]
 Boy, does it make me start feeling old to talk about a 20 year reunion [8D]


 at this point, next summer is so far away, any date is fine with us,
 though anything just might come up between now and the rally.
 Do as Scott said in " circling the Wagon" , and pick a date that suits you,
 and those of us that can make it will show up.


 Red neff BarchettaKevin (6Quigs), I agree with you, I was just trying to get a feel for when the families with kids would be able to come since that was the reason most of the people couldn t come this time.  Since we don t have any school aged kids I don t have any idea when most of the kids start school.   So far it looks like the weekend of August 5-9 will work for those that have responded to my note.  I guess I will make the executive decision and go ahead and book the 25 sites they will allow us for that weekend.  Then that way Jeff (Red-Neff) can plan way ahead of time and won t get mad at us for changing the date.  [;)]
 Michelle (pcmom), I don t want to hear you complain about being old, if we were having a class reunion, mine would be number 34! [: (]  NOW THAT s OLD!

 Red neff BarchettaGood job on the Executive Decision, Joan. Picking dates a year in advance is, for me, impractical. I can t even choose next year s vacation weeks until next March, and even then the weeks are only available on a seniority basis.
 " If we can make it, we will camp."  [;)]

Ab Diver

QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 Good job on the Executive Decision, Joan. Picking dates a year in advance is, for me, impractical. I can t even choose next year s vacation weeks until next March, and even then the weeks are only available on a seniority basis.
 " If we can make it, we will camp."  [;)]

 Grrrrrrr....... I hate when that happens. That was me....
 Maybe I should change my handle to *Guest Diver*  [:o]