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RE: Taco Salad

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Mar 31, 2003, 04:10 PM

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 6QuigsYou people are much too kind.  But I actually don t want the other side.  Think of the implications.  Say CWB, Neff, Larry or Bill Clinton gets kicked out of their pop-up for the night for misbehaving, I don t want to have a spare bedroom available for homeless NNCers.  You see what I mean?
 Although, I appreciate the thought.


QuoteBut I actually don t want the other side. Think of the implications. Say CWB, Neff, Larry or Bill Clinton gets kicked out of their pop-up for the night for misbehaving, I don t want to have a spare bedroom available for homeless NNCers.

 But what if it were Mrs. CWB/Neff/Larry/Clinton kicked out?  You d probably be more open to the idea of taking in the homeless then, eh?  [;)]
 BTW, I ve never seen half a pop-up.





 Surf is now thinking of the biggest PU he can find, complete with jacuzzi, for he and all the homeless HHSers to enjoy.  [;)]


 6QuigsI m thinkin Surfcal probably thinks that his PU is just fine for the situation that Cottonwooder describes. And Ray, that s enough of the B.C. jokes. I swear I ll never buy a Jayco just because of that sales pitch.


 6QuigsHey Champ:
 It is really good to see you posting.  I have to tell you the truth.  It s been 6Quigs that s been spreading the Bill Clinton moniker (Monica) about you.  I told him about the story and he took a liking to it, and now...
 I m afraid you re stuck with it, at least with your fellow NNCers.  They re a harmless bunch.
 Again, great to see you.  And thanks for backing me up on the one-sided issue.


 CWB summed up Surfcal in a recent post
 he is the type of guy that will walk into a bar, walk up to the biggest dude in the place and tell him that the guy at the end of bar called him a name..then old Surfy will sit back and watch.....that isn t RRing, that s MEAN!!!  
Well predicted CWB
 True to form, little ole surfy is at it again


 6Quigs6Quigs, you re right, I don t want to be a mean guy.  Hey Champ, I ve been messing around with you so I apologize.  Just doing some Rabble Rousing, but sometimes it can go out of bounds.
 But when we go to camp in person, all bets are off!
 Peace to both.


 6QuigsHey Ray I know that this is all in good fun. Like the fun we had with Pete! Remember what I was gonna do when you said we re cut from the same cloth? If not I ll remind you next time Laker Fan goes down.


 6QuigsDoes this mean that I ve become the dreaded " thread killer" ?


QuoteDoes this mean that I ve become the dreaded " thread killer" ?

 No, 6 more days needed for that dubious distinction.  [8D]


 6QuigsWhew, thanks Cottonwooder. I ve been mostly a lurker until Snug Harbor brought me out of my shell. I should have figured I could have counted on you to save me what with as many posts you have. How do I include your quote/reply to my message like you did to mine? I am a true rookie.


 Cottonwooder[:@]  Uurrggghhhh!


QuoteWhew, thanks Cottonwooder. I ve been mostly a lurker until Snug Harbor brought me out of my shell. I should have figured I could have counted on you to save me what with as many posts you have. How do I include your quote/reply to my message like you did to mine? I am a true rookie.

 Hi Champ, nice to meet you.  Are you NNC s " Bill Clinton" ?  I hear you re quite a funny guy.  " Hilarious"  was the exact word.
 Well, at the risk of ticking off our official computer answerer (but he s off camping, so does that count?), I ll take the plunge and answer your question.  To include a quote, just highlight the piece of text you want to quote, then click the first of the five icons to the right: the white page with the blue arrow.
 It took me awhile to figure out how to do concentric empty quote boxes, but boy, was that fun!  [8D]

