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RE: Howdy Friends!

Started by Red neff Barchetta, May 18, 2003, 10:46 PM

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 Hi folks, long time no see, or chat for that matter! Sounds like you are all having a blast, which doesn t surprise me at all!  Sure to miss the camping fun with everyone down yonder.  We ve yet to go camping, rather hard living in an apartment but we aim to change that in a few weeks.  We ve been keeping busy getting adjusted to life in Warshington again, but enjoying it a great deal.  I went to a Y conference this past weekend, it was like stepping out of a time machine and seeing all my old friends and colleagues that I hadn t seen in almost 10 years.  Beyond living life the house is coming along great.  We are very excited to have a big house and a space for the camper too.  The drywallers are up next so things are really starting to humm but I fear it will all slow down once they get done.  
 Here is a link to some house photos.
 Hope to see you around sometime soon.
 Steve, Sandi, Scott, Sean & Skippy

Red neff Barchetta

 Y-GuyWow Steve!
 The house is going to be nice!
 We need a shot of the RV pad and hook-up s.  I d like a site visual before I arrive at the Howland Family Campground.
 Glad to hear things are going well and that you are all adjusting to life in the wet and slippery state.
 You are all missed here, but should rest assured that the silly little camping group that you were instrumental in getting going is going strong!
 Say hi to Sandi and the boys.


 Y-GuySteve, that thing is huge, forget the RV pad, you need a moat around that thing.  Congratulations and say hi to Sandi for us.  We re headed into the Gold Rush Rally, the Superbowl of NNC rallies.  Any chance you can make it?

Ab Diver

 Y-GuyYo, Steve! Glad progress is being made on your house. That s gotta bring a sense of accomplishment to your new " state"  of affairs. Nice looking place!  Miss seeing you on a regular basis, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Take care, and give Sandi a hug from the gang down here in Calif!


 Y-GuyGreeat to hear from you, Steve:  the house is fanomanol:  we forget how far the $$$ DOESN" T go in CA.  
 Glad the move is going so well for all of you.  
 You are missed at the rallies!  Hope you can get to one soon.  


 Y-GuyThanks folks, we are VERY excited about the house.
 Yes it has a 12  wide RV pad, 110v hook up, and water near too.  I opted to skip the 240v since the home owners rule state no living in the RV which is fine with me since I don t want a scene from Chevy Chases  Vacation being played out in my neighborhood.  Figure we can fit a couple PU s in the garage and a few in the driveway before the neighbors catch on!
 Hope you all have a great Memorial Weekend, I read in Trailer Life that CA set record camp site registrations this Spring... hope you all can get sites still.


 Y-GuyYour new home is gorgeous, Steve & Sandi.  When we get closer to to September, I m going to e-mail you for an exact location.  We will be heading up to Washington and it would be great to hook up even if just for a quick " hello" .  As a person who loves moving in a new direction, I m envious.  Enjoy you changes!