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Hanging by a thread...

Started by Surfcal, Oct 20, 2003, 08:16 PM

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If you win the Survirvor Games at the next rally, I will personally buy you your thongs and award it to you.



Man, I didn't mean to start a new thread.  This was supposed to go in the Falling Turkeys Rally thread.  I am still learning.

Mr. Nick, can you please delete this thread?



In the interests of keeping this forum clean,
I will IGNORE this thread,
and I will refrain from making any comments, oponions or replies,
until seated at the next NNC campfire. ;)
And have consumed a few of Nick's libations.


Quote from: Surfcal6Quigs:
If you win the Survirvor Games at the next rally, I will personally buy you your thongs and award it to you.
They have not made me a moderator yet.  You can delete a thread though if you are the original poster

gsm x2

Is this a variation of the IGNORE thread because it's just hanging by a thread?

"Don't tread on my thread."

gsm x2


Okay Scott:  We'll just make this thread like a Jeopardy category.  Things that have something to do with thread.

"A stitch in time saves nine in time."



Three threads walked by a bar and noticed a sign outside it that said "NO THREADS ALLOWED."

Indignant at the discrimination the first thread decided to go in and order a drink.

The bartender said "Can't your read?" and when the thread refused to leave he picked it up and tossed it out the door.

The second thread tried the same thing and when it also refused to leave the bartender punched it and threw it out the door as well.

The third thread thought for a few seconds, then scraped itself along the sidewalk harshly until it was ragged all over. Then it twisted itself inside out and around and around until its middle was all in a bunch.

Then it entered the bar, got up on a stool and ordered a martini.

"Say," asked the bartender suspiciously, "aren't you that thread I just threw out of here?"

"I'm a Fraid not," replied the thread.

gsm x2

Threads for $100

The quality of Egyptian cotton sheets are measured by this term.

gsm x2

gsm x2

Threads for $200

Lefty Tighty

gsm x2

gsm x2

Threads for $300

A thread starter and a camel pass through this.

gsm x2

gsm x2


Scott Trebek...for one hundred dollars...

Quote from: gsm x2Things that have to do with threads

The answer is: A thread starter and a camel pass through this.

gsm x2

What is the "Eye of a needle?"



Back in the late 60's and through the 70's, "threads" was used as slang for?


Ab Diver

What was the infamous foe faced by the Dragonriders of Pern?


Quote from: SurfcalBack in the late 60's and through the 70's, "threads" was used as slang for?

I know!! I know!!!!  CLOTHES! (But only the groooovy ones) :)