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No more ER trips!

Started by SCCS, Oct 26, 2003, 09:02 PM

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Dave (Abdiver),

 Sorry about the girls getting hurt, hope they are doing better now.I had a guy at work do about the same thing as your daughter did and he went for a ride in an ambulance.The scary thing is he had just been on the freeway with a 4 ton utility trailer and had to stop at my job for something then he went down.Hope all stays well with you and your family.

OOPS :eek:  I think I did a HOLLY,I just wanted to reply not start a new thread.

Red neff Barchetta

Ab Diver

Scott, thanks for the kind words. ( and the new thread  ;)  )  Both girls are doing fine, and the little one is now kinda proud of her "red badge of honor". Funny how something like that progresses from *owie!* to *gross!* to *cool!*.
I told her she can now dress up as Edwardina Zipperhands for Halloween.
Man, heat exhaustion and dehydration on the job is nothing to scoff at. I know temps can get WAY hot in your line of work, and you don't wanna know how hot the inside of a brown truck can get. (tip: don't ship See's Chocolates in summer)  I'm just glad it wasn't something much worse for DD#1. It sure scared Daddy.