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Big News!!!!

Started by Nick, Nov 17, 2003, 09:45 AM

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Hunter took his first unassisted steps last night!:)
It was rather funny because every time he started walking he would start laughing hysterically, which got us laughing at him.  It was one of those moments I'll cherish forever.


Say congrats to Hunter from us.
Once he gets used to walking,
he'll find he can travel a lot faster,
and get to more places quicker.

Best of luck to Mum & Dad trying to chase him ;)



Those first few steps are big ones.  At the last rally (Collins Lake) our grandbaby, Scotty (1-1/2 years) was starting to walk.  He really liked walking in the trailer because the sides were close enough that he could catch himself.  Teresa (daughter-in-law) said that he was going full throttle when they got back from the trip.  Scotty was walking real good at Halloween except he kept getting frustrated and dropped down to his knees so he could go faster.  I can just imagine how he will be walking at Thanksgiving.
Your fun is just beginning.  Remember the Quiggs!!!!  I guess from now on we will all be asking "Where's Hunter" instead of "Where's Connor"!
Enjoy it while you can, they grow up so fast.

Red neff Barchetta

Congrat's. Mike!
That is definitely a major memory.
Say goodbye to you and Michelle sitting down.

gsm x2

At his age, you can get away with using a 24" cable tie to hobble his ankles together.  That will slow him down a bit until he learns to hop.

gsm x2  


Next thing you know Nick, he'd be fighting with you on who gets to use the kayak and that caving sling...




Congrats to Hunter!

Nick you had better dust off those running shoes.  You'll be needing them before you know it.


Ah,I can hear it echo through the campground now,HUNTER,HUNTER.Just kidding.
CONGRAT'S to him on his new adventures. :D


Go Hunter Go!!!!!  What a Day!!!!!  I remeber those days foreach of my kids......Congrats to all.

Ab Diver

Here's to Hunter's broadening horizons! The world is your oyster, bub... go for it!

Congrats to Mommy and Daddy. Does this mean his name will be an ever-changing moniker like that Sacto kid has? You know-- Huntertoddler or something like that.


Way to go, Hunter! Congratulations Mike & Michele!  Now the real fun begins.  Can't wait to see the progress for myself.
Love from,
Granny G-Whiz