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We need your help again!!

Started by OC Campers, Nov 20, 2003, 10:21 PM

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OC Campers

Well, it looks like the OC Campers may finally have to change their name. It
looks like Randy's transfer may finally be going thru.:) . We don't have a date yet but it will probably be sometime in January.
I need some more help on school districts and cities in the Sacramento area. I am so worried that we won't pick the right area. I have tried to do my homework but test scores don't always tell the whole truth. I would love some in-put. I know ya'll gave us some suggestions back in June but I don't remember where they were. (half the time I don't even remember what I cooked for dinner last night:( :confused: ).
Randy's office appears to be at the 5/80 fwy. We are thinking still on Roseville and Folsom. Eldorado Hills has even come up a couple times but I don't know if Randy wants to commute that far. What is the realistic commute from these areas? Are there some other areas that have good schools and are affordable?
Looking forward to being an official NNCer in the near future.
OC Campers got their transfer papers today!!  Hooray.  House should be going up on the market in a week to 10 days. School starts the end of August in most districts from what I can tell.  That is the time frame we are shooting for to move.   We are headed for the Sacramento area.  I think we have narrowed it down to the Rocklin/Roseville area because of the schools but we are also interested in Fair Oaks and Carmichael.  Are the schools good there?  Can someone give me some insight into these areas or if there is another area that is very nice that we should look into.



You won't go wrong with the advice from this board.  Heck, there's a whole slew of them from that area, Sactocampers, CA-Girl, Champ521, Hybrid Holly, Clueless in Sacramento, Calstate360/361 and I think RTurner.  In fact, they can hold their own Sacto Rally and it'd be a mini-rally all on its own.

I also hear there's a big shot fella' moving in and will be new to the area, guy by the name of Arnold Swartzenneger.  I think he's a SoCal guy too.  You might want to swap notes with him.

I also have a good college buddy that is a fulltime teacher and part-time TV weatherman.  I guess he can tell you the schooll with the best year-round weather.  I can hear him now..."at morning bell it's going to be cool and misty, but the fog will burn off by recess and through lunch, kids break out your P.E. shorts & T-shirts because it's going to be a humdinger of a scorcher."

Well, good luck and if the transfer happens, it'd be great to have you join the Northern PUT Chapter.


OC Campers

Thanks for the input Ray.  Unfortunately, I don't think Arnold and my
family are in the same income bracket;)   His hired help probably will
live in a better area than we could ever afford.
As far as weather goes, my kids won't have any problems with the
weather.  They pray for rain.  Our silly So Cal schools used to let
the middle school kids leave 15 minutes early if it rained.  God forbid
if it ever snowed.


Quote from: OC CampersWell, it looks like the OC Campers may finally have to change their name. It
looks like Randy's transfer may finally be going thru.:) . We don't have a date yet but it will probably be sometime in January.
I need some more help on school districts and cities in the Sacramento area. I am so worried that we won't pick the right area. I have tried to do my homework but test scores don't always tell the whole truth. I would love some in-put. I know ya'll gave us some suggestions back in June but I don't remember where they were. (half the time I don't even remember what I cooked for dinner last night:( :confused: ).
Randy's office appears to be at the 5/80 fwy. We are thinking still on Roseville and Folsom. Eldorado Hills has even come up a couple times but I don't know if Randy wants to commute that far. What is the realistic commute from these areas? Are there some other areas that have good schools and are affordable?
Looking forward to being an official NNCer in the near future.
Yeah right Jacqui, I'll believe it when I see it. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
I can't really help you with school districts, though the ones you are considering I believe are pretty good. Hopefully CA_Girl will chime in.
50 (Folsom & El Dorado Hills) corridor is pretty congested, but they've putting in carpool lanes, so if he can find a buddy to commute with, it may not be a serious issue. Light rail also runs down that corridor, but I don't think it runs to the 5/80 interchange area. Cameron Park is between Folsom & El Dorado Hills so you may want to check that area out. Housing is more affordable than in EDH.
Natomas would be right there. 5 minute commute.
Not much help, but then again, you get what you pay for.

OC Campers

Hi Brian--
I will have to look into Cameron Park.  Thanks!!  We chose Roseville, Folsom and Eldorado Hills because of their schools.   Hwy 50 is a big concern.  From what I have been told that is the only way into Sac from the east.  If we choose Roseville there are 3 different ways in/out from what I have been told (I am sure they are just as congested though).  We need to get up there and test out rush hour and see how it is (compared to Orange County).  Unfortunately, he probably won't be able to do the "buddy" system.  He will be doing too much driving around from branch to branch.


Hi Jacqui,
How long of a commute is "too long" for  you?
Cameron Park to North Natomas is at least an hour during traditional rush hours.  Only really one way down from Roseville as well - hwy 80.
Certainly a shorter commute than Cameron Park or Folsom though.

A neighborhood you might consider is Elk Grove - Laguna West -
Probably a 30 minute commute to the south.   Excellent Schools.

Hope this helps!  

Born and Raised (sorta) in Sac.

Red neff Barchetta

Rod & Debbie -
Jacqui & Randy are just messin' with us northern folk.   ;)
They tried this last year too.  Brian was bitten once, but refuses to be bitten twice into giving out info..
Besides, they still are "Orange County Campers" and haven't approached Brian into selling the "Sacto Campers" handle.  Until they do that, I also refuse to believe them.   :D  :)


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRod & Debbie -
Jacqui & Randy are just messin' with us northern folk. ;)
They tried this last year too. Brian was bitten once, but refuses to be bitten twice into giving out info..
Besides, they still are "Orange County Campers" and haven't approached Brian into selling the "Sacto Campers" handle. Until they do that, I also refuse to believe them. :D :)
Jeff, I believe they have changed their name.  Maybe you missed it.  They are now known as..... hmmmmmm.... what was it.....  something like On Call Campers or Out Camping Campers.  That's why they didn't approach Sacto; they didn't need too.  ;) :D

OC Campers

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRod & Debbie -
Jacqui & Randy are just messin' with us northern folk. ;)
They tried this last year too. Brian was bitten once, but refuses to be bitten twice into giving out info..
Besides, they still are "Orange County Campers" and haven't approached Brian into selling the "Sacto Campers" handle. Until they do that, I also refuse to believe them. :D :)
Hey, that hurts!!!  We have been ready for this transfer since July.  Randy's company is dragging it out.  The northern boss wants him now but the Southern boss won't let go yet.  We have been told things will get rolling after the holidays.  This is fine by me, I was dreading having to deal with moving and Christmas at the same time.  Plus, I didn't want to miss Ccachuma.
I seriously doubt Sacto will hand over his name to us.  I guess we will just have to come up with something catchier:D.  Madlyn's Clueless in Sacremento is great too.  How about if I spell Sacramento right, would that work?:p
Thanks Rod and Debbie, I have thought about Elk Grove but haven't looked into it yet.   I am definately swayed by good schools.   It seems like all the outying areas have crummy schools and the areas that have good schools are way out of our price range:(


Quote from: OC CampersHey, that hurts!!! We have been ready for this transfer since July. Randy's company is dragging it out. The northern boss wants him now but the Southern boss won't let go yet. We have been told things will get rolling after the holidays. This is fine by me, I was dreading having to deal with moving and Christmas at the same time. Plus, I didn't want to miss Ccachuma.
We're just rabble rousing you Jacqui. If we rabble rouse you, it means we like you. If we didn't rabble rouse you, well, we would still like you.;)

OC Campers

OMG don't worry, this was all said in jest. It takes a lot more than that to get
me upset. Once you get to know my husband better, you will understand:D .
Rabble rouse away, I have really broad shoulders:p ;) :D


Hi Jacqui:  I have a friend in Elk Grove too.  They work at Kaiser in Sacto.
Their kids used the public schools.  Would be glad to put you in touch with them if you like the area.  
Moving is so difficult.  Good Luck.  Enjoy the holidays and worry about it next year.  

OC Campers

Quote from: otterHi Jacqui: I have a friend in Elk Grove too. They work at Kaiser in Sacto.
Their kids used the public schools. Would be glad to put you in touch with them if you like the area.
Moving is so difficult. Good Luck. Enjoy the holidays and worry about it next year.
Thank you Dianne for the help.  Hopefully, we can talk more at Ccachuma.


Quote from: OC CampersThank you Dianne for the help.  Hopefully, we can talk more at Ccachuma.

We won't make it to CChristmas at CCachuma but keep in touch if you need more Sacto info or other help with your No Cal migration.


Quote from: OC CampersWe need to get up there and test out rush hour and see how it is (compared to Orange County).
Jacqui--"Compared to Orange County", you could probably live in Yreka and still have a quicker commute than what it takes us to travel 25 miles here in OC!!!! :p