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Started by Unregistered, Dec 12, 2003, 03:17 PM

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Quote from: OC CampersYa know Georgeanne, you may have something here. I kinda like Sleepless in SC. I sure haven't slept much lately.:) Keepum coming!!
Jacqui... it would probably be more appropriate to be called Sleepless in Sac, rather than SC, which could be mistaken for Southern California!  Can't wait to Ha-ha it up in a little over a week!


Quote from: SactoCampersHe's really a great guy when he's on his medications. He's been having trouble getting them refilled after they let him out of the correctional institute.
 I can't believe AbDave hasn't replied to that yet.  Unless he's taking his time to come up with a real humdinger.  Or gone to Sacto's house to personally thump him. :p
 Hi Dana.  Don't believe a word anyone tells you.  Have fun!

gsm x2

Quote from: CottonwooderHi Dana.  Don't believe a word anyone tells you.  Have fun!

Including Cottonwooder....who doesn't own a Cottonwood at all.

gsm x2


Quote from: gsm x2Including Cottonwooder....who doesn't own a Cottonwood at all.
 Am wondering if the newcomers at Santa Paula were too polite to ask... :D


Quote from: gsm x2Hi, my name is Dana. We would like to attend the Olema Rally in February. We have not joined the group before, but would like to get involved.

Hi Dana !!

We joined our first rally with this group at Cassini, the FALLing Turkeys Rally. I don't know about you but I was terrified to meet a bunch of new people, especially since I found them on the internet... and boy was I right to be !! :eek: ...just kidding !! We had a great time !!

...and now that my burns have healed we're going again, see you at Olema !!
(errr, just kidding about the burns  :D ).


Quote from: UnregisteredOkay, I'm a little slow, but I'm BACK!  You all seem like a hoot, and yes, I have a sense of humor.  We are anxious to meet all of you at Olema.   I'm exercising my gluteous maximus to be ready for the ride...hehe.
Happy to see we didn't scare you away Dana.
If you think we are a hoot now, just wait till you camp with us ;)
And looking at the list of who has signed up for Olema, there should be more than enough laughing going on that weekend.


First, my apologies to G-Whiz::: I should have known better!!!!:(  :o  It was Scott with the bad taste; Must be some sort of So Cal influence.  None of the Nor Cal folks would say anything like that!  sniker ;) sniker
I  admit to ATT, but will hold my opinion on the ART til I know what it is.  As far as tattling is concerned it rates right up there with bribes with me!
Secondly, Welcome aboard Dana;  I agree with 6Quigs, the assemblage at Olema this year is a party waiting to ha:D ppen!:D
Finally, Dana, we all met on the web and understand the squizzies of such a courageous move.  My son is a CHP officer and he has 'watched' the first time we went to meet this group.  Now he just laughs and even lets us bring his kids sometimes.
Enjoy the holidays folks

gsm x2

Quote from: otterFirst, my apologies to G-Whiz::: I should have known better!!!!:(  :o  It was Scott with the bad taste; Must be some sort of So Cal influence.  None of the Nor Cal folks would say anything like that!  sniker ;) sniker
I  admit to ATT, but will hold my opinion on the ART til I know what it is.  As far as tattling is concerned it rates right up there with bribes with me!
Secondly, Welcome aboard Dana;  I agree with 6Quigs, the assemblage at Olema this year is a party waiting to ha:D ppen!:D
Finally, Dana, we all met on the web and understand the squizzies of such a courageous move.  My son is a CHP officer and he has 'watched' the first time we went to meet this group.  Now he just laughs and even lets us bring his kids sometimes.
Enjoy the holidays folks


As you know ATT is Attention Typing Tisorder...of which you are I are queen and king.

We also may be queen and king of ART...Attention Reading Tisorder.



Quote from: gsm x2Diane,
As you know ATT is Attention Typing Tisorder...of which you are I are queen and king.
We also may be queen and king of ART...Attention Reading Tisorder.
Ah yes!  I plead guilty!  It is nice to be at the top of the list for something, isn't it?  Attention to details has never been one of my strong points. I subscribe to the tenant that only Allah is perfect.  Takes a lot of pressure off.
Hey Scott, Does Cachuma have a lot of hook ups?  We are not going to get there til the 27th and are getting concerned about how many hook up sites might be left.  As I remember there werre only a handful where we were; but there must have been more because Cottonwooder was around the corner.  Any chance we could get there and there not be hookups?  Burrrrrr.  
I will go check the site and see what they say, but I figure you know best.  
Hi to G


Quote from: otterAs I remember there werre only a handful where we were; but there must have been more because Cottonwooder was around the corner.
Ah, yes, I miss that little nook of ours. Don't count on those behind the fence, because if memory serves me right, there are only six total: 2 where we were, 2 at the other far end, and 2 somewhere in between.
 Mind you, in a way, you can count on them, because most people don't even know they exist. They see all the full sites alongside the field and just turn around and go away. Then we roll up and "our" site is waiting for us. :D
 Oh, another good thing about those sites (darn, giving away our secrets here) is that the fence acts as a good wind breaker.  Remember how windy it was last NYEve?  We weren't blowing as much, though, and it was a few degrees warmer on our side of the fence, purely because of the lack of wind.  Not good for rallies, though, because you're away from everyone.


Quote from: CottonwooderAh, yes, I miss that little nook of ours. Don't count on those behind the fence, because if memory serves me right, there are only six total: 2 where we were, 2 at the other far end, and 2 somewhere in between.
 Mind you, in a way, you can count on them, because most people don't even know they exist. They see all the full sites alongside the field and just turn around and go away. Then we roll up and "our" site is waiting for us. :D
 Oh, another good thing about those sites (darn, giving away our secrets here) is that the fence acts as a good wind breaker.  Remember how windy it was last NYEve?  We weren't blowing as much, though, and it was a few degrees warmer on our side of the fence, purely because of the lack of wind.  Not good for rallies, though, because you're away from everyone.
Which sites exactly are you talking about ~Patricia~?
And seing as you won't be camping, we won't be stealing your secret spot ;)


Quote from: otter
Quote from: gsm x2Diane,
As you know ATT is Attention Typing Tisorder...of which you are I are queen and king.
We also may be queen and king of ART...Attention Reading Tisorder.
Ah yes! I plead guilty! It is nice to be at the top of the list for something, isn't it? Attention to details has never been one of my strong points. I subscribe to the tenant that only Allah is perfect. Takes a lot of pressure off.
Hey Scott, Does Cachuma have a lot of hook ups? We are not going to get there til the 27th and are getting concerned about how many hook up sites might be left. As I remember there werre only a handful where we were; but there must have been more because Cottonwooder was around the corner. Any chance we could get there and there not be hookups? Burrrrrr.
I will go check the site and see what they say, but I figure you know best.
Hi to G
Hi Dianne!  Already I'm ha-haing and can't wait for Christmas weekend.  If all the hook up sites in the grassy area are taken, there is a whole parking lot type section just to the end of that area where there are plenty.  It's not so campy, but it's just a hop, skip and a jump from the area where we were last year.  And, you'll be warm thus giving no notice if you step out onto pavement!  Can't wait to see everybody!!!


Thanks Whiz and Cottenwooder: Just wanted to be sure I can plug in all my 'accessories' . You guys keep me warm all day and early evening with your antics, but I need to depend on other measures at 3AM...
We are looking forward to it.  Haven't heard form Dave and Elaine yet.  I hope they will be able to make it.  This must be the week from hell for both of them (special Ed class just before Christmas break or UPS guy the week before Christmas.) I wouldn't trade places with either of them. :( Actually, in Santa Cruz to day it is 70+ in the sun.  Absolutely beautiful with high surf and lots of surfers.
Lon is at Ano Nuevo doing his delephant seal thing and Angel is at the vet being spayed and Sadie and I are taking turns walking and napping.  What a life.  
I love it!:) Hugs all

gsm x2

Quote from: otter
Quote from: gsm x2Diane,
As you know ATT is Attention Typing Tisorder...of which you are I are queen and king.
We also may be queen and king of ART...Attention Reading Tisorder.
Ah yes!  I plead guilty!  It is nice to be at the top of the list for something, isn't it?  Attention to details has never been one of my strong points. I subscribe to the tenant that only Allah is perfect.  Takes a lot of pressure off.
Hey Scott, Does Cachuma have a lot of hook ups?  We are not going to get there til the 27th and are getting concerned about how many hook up sites might be left.  As I remember there werre only a handful where we were; but there must have been more because Cottonwooder was around the corner.  Any chance we could get there and there not be hookups?  Burrrrrr.  
I will go check the site and see what they say, but I figure you know best.  
Hi to G

Dianne---there will be sites.  You might have to sit on one of the concrete blocks out of the ROW OF RUINS, but you'll have hookups without a doubt.


Ab Diver

QuoteI can't believe AbDave hasn't replied to that yet. Unless he's taking his time to come up with a real humdinger. Or gone to Sacto's house to personally thump him.

Not at all. I'd never raise a hand in anger at Sacto. He's my bud. I think it was one of his best zingers yet, and feel honored to be the recipient. Besides, everybody knows that Neff's black-belt grade-schooler will beat the snot out of anybody that get's outta line here, so I'm trying to be on my best behavior.
On the other hand, I've been busier than a one-legged delivery driver running a relay race all by himself. Haven't had a chance to check the forum due to long work days, plus we lost our cable/internet for a couple days starting about the time I was at Nick's house. (BTW: wonderful visit, wish it was longer)  So.... be warned: all delivery drivers are just one more mis-loaded box, one more snarling Rotweiller, one more missed lunch-break, or just ONE MORE HOUR OF STINKING OVERTIME away from going postal at this time of year, so give your local guy a tip and wish him a Merry Christmas. He'll REALLY appriciate it.
Now, lemmee see... one pill makes me larger, and one pill makes me small. And the one that mother gives me, don't do anything at all...