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Started by Unregistered, Dec 12, 2003, 03:17 PM

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Hi, my name is Dana.  We would like to attend the Olema Rally in February.  We have not joined the group before, but would like to get involved.  Can you tell me how to join ya'll and get reservations for this rally.  

What was this about horseback riding?  I would participate if there is room.  (There might be two of us.)

Hybrid Holly

Quote from: UnregisteredHi, my name is Dana.  We would like to attend the Olema Rally in February.  We have not joined the group before, but would like to get involved.  Can you tell me how to join ya'll and get reservations for this rally.  

What was this about horseback riding?  I would participate if there is room.  (There might be two of us.)

Refer to the Reyes the Roof Rally Again thread.  There is information about the rally there!


Quote from: UnregisteredHi, my name is Dana. We would like to attend the Olema Rally in February. We have not joined the group before, but would like to get involved. Can you tell me how to join ya'll and get reservations for this rally.
What was this about horseback riding? I would participate if there is room. (There might be two of us.)
Hi Dana,
Got your emails and got you down as attending.  The horse back ride is a two hour ride and if we get 15 people it will be 35 - 40 bucks down from the regular 55 bucks.

Ab Diver

Quote from: UnregisteredHi, my name is Dana.

Everybody: Hi, Dana!
QuoteWe would like to attend the Olema Rally in February.

Everybody: Ok, we'll let you.
QuoteWe have not joined the group before, but would like to get involved.

Everybody: It's a slippery slope, Dana. Be careful what you wish for...
QuoteCan you tell me how to join ya'll and get reservations for this rally.

Everybody: You just did! Congratulations, and Welcome! Now go post to the Olema thread and introduce yourself. (And don't believe a thing Surfcal or the Red Neff Barchetta guy tells you.)
QuoteWhat was this about horseback riding? I would participate if there is room. (There might be two of us.)
Everybody: Yep, there's room. Sounds like fun, eh?
Ab Diver: Hiya, Dana! Welcome to our little corner of the net. Glad to have you aboard, and looking forward to meeting you. Hope you don't mind that little bit of Rabble Rousing above... it's a sign of endearment, and means you've been accepted into Nick-Neff-Cough, with all the rights and privileges thereof. We'll show you the secret handshake and issue you your decoder ring at the rally.


Welcome Dana! Don't be put off by Ab Diver. He's really a great guy when he's on his medications. He's been having trouble getting them refilled after they let him out of the correctional institute.
Come to the rally with a sense of humor and food and you'll fit in just fine!


Quote from: SactoCampersWelcome Dana! Don't be put off by Ab Diver. He's really a great guy when he's on his medications. He's been having trouble getting them refilled after they let him out of the correctional institute.
Come to the rally with a sense of humor and food and you'll fit in just fine!
Abdiver is going to stop by my house tomorrow, I'll make sure he takes his medication.


Quote from: SactoCampersWelcome Dana! Don't be put off by Ab Diver. He's really a great guy when he's on his medications. He's been having trouble getting them refilled after they let him out of the correctional institute.
Come to the rally with a sense of humor and food and you'll fit in just fine!
Abdiver is going to stop by my house tomorrow so I'll make sure he takes his medication.:)


:confused: Come on you guys, you

gsm x2

Welcome Dana,

BTW--has anyone noticed that Dana has disappeared and not posted any more since being welcomed by A'baloney?

Anyway--Welcome Dana.  Please don't get frighted off.  The guys are just the warm-up act for the HaHa Sisterhood, who will be in full session at Olema.  You should get on a regime of tummy-crunches RIGHT NOW so your stomach is in shape for the belly laughing....provided of course you  have an sense of humor.

If you don't have a sense of humor, it's OK, Holly and Pete will be there. You can hang with them.  She's a statistician for the State....need I say more?  :D

gsm x2


If you don't have a sense of humor, it's OK, Holly and Pete will be there. You can hang with them. She's a statistician for the State....need I say more? :D
gsm x2[/QUOTE]
Whoa!!! Whiz... you are in rare form .  i'm tellin' Holly...

gsm x2

Quote from: otterIf you don't have a sense of humor, it's OK, Holly and Pete will be there. You can hang with them. She's a statistician for the State....need I say more? :D
gsm x2
Whoa!!! Whiz... you are in rare form .  i'm tellin' Holly...

Hehe....the teacher's going to go tattling to Holly....but in semi-typical Otter style, she misread the signature and thought that was Whiz.   :rolleyes:

So, she's not only ATT, she ART too.

Oh wait, wasn't it last week I read an e-mail that started:  "Thanks for nothing."  I mellowed out my response before sending it, but still managed to embarrass myself because dispite the fact that I had read the incoming e-mail three times, it started with, "Thanks for noting.."

I got a response explaining that I should read a dictionary to learn the difference between NOTHING and NOTING.  I felt a bit like Gilda Radner...."Nevermind."

gsm x2

OC Campers

Welcome Dana, I am a member of the southern sister SC Campers (Southern California campers).  I just wanted to let you know to not be scared by these guys  This group sounds crazy but they are the most wonderful group of people you will ever meet.  We drove from Orange County to camp with them in June at the Mega-hit Gold Rush Rally and had so much fun.  I have never laughed so hard in my life.  I would camp with them in a heart beat.  Just signup for a rally and see for yourself.



Quote from: OC CampersWelcome Dana, I am a member of the southern sister SC Campers (Southern California campers). I just wanted to let you know to not be scared by these guys This group sounds crazy but they are the most wonderful group of people you will ever meet. We drove from Orange County to camp with them in June at the Mega-hit Gold Rush Rally and had so much fun. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I would camp with them in a heart beat. Just signup for a rally and see for yourself.
Dana, I agree with Sleepless in SC ;) that you won't find a more wonderful group.  If you send me your e-mail address, I'd be very happy to send you a copy of our indoctrination.... ummm.... I mean.... introduction video.  You can e-mail me at (""). The video was filmed while we were camping in Olema and is a great way to meet some of the people before you even attend a rally.  Nice meeting you!!! :)

OC Campers

Quote from: g-whizDana, I agree with Sleepless in SC ;) that you won't find a more wonderful group. If you send me your e-mail address, I'd be very happy to send you a copy of our indoctrination.... ummm.... I mean.... introduction video. You can e-mail me at (""). The video was filmed while we were camping in Olema and is a great way to meet some of the people before you even attend a rally. Nice meeting you!!! :)
Ya know Georgeanne, you may have something here.  I kinda like Sleepless in SC.  I sure haven't slept much lately.:)   Keepum coming!!


Okay, I'm a little slow, but I'm BACK!  You all seem like a hoot, and yes, I have a sense of humor.  We are anxious to meet all of you at Olema.   I'm exercising my gluteous maximus to be ready for the ride...hehe.