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Happy Birthday Sal!!

Started by Civil_War_Buff, May 14, 2004, 10:18 AM

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Sal, Calstate360 is the birthday boy!!

Many Happy returns Sal.



Gosh...Sal doesn't look like he is 39.
Happy Birthday buddy!!!

Ab Diver

ABSOLUTELY!!! Happy B-Day Bro!
Now make a wish and blow the froth off a cold one.


I'll spare you the song just because I like you.... ;)

Happy Birthday Sal!!


We were camping Sal so Happy Belated Birthday!!!


I will say thanks to all of you (especially you CWB/Larry for starting this thread) for the nice wishes for Sal. He did not have a very nice birthday because I had to take him to Emergency. He is having the swelling and infection in his legs again. AND, his computer has crashed so I had to wait until I got back to work to read the boards. The last time he was in for this same problem, they kept him 4 days and he lost over 50 lbs. of water weight. For those of you who don't know, Sal has Cirrhosis of the Liver and when the liver doesn't function properly water is deposited around the stomach area which bloats him up and then he gets the infection. He has gained, at least, 100 lbs again, so we hope with him being in the hospital they will megadose him with the Lasix and he will loose most of that water weight gain again.
We had planned to have our May Barbque on Sunday (5/16) but I had to cancel it. We have this every year, usually on Mother's Day but the Kids had some church function this year so we delayed it a week. The reason we have this is because May 3 is my Mom & Dad's Anniversary, May 6 is Sal's son's birthday, then there is Mother's Day, Sal's birthday is 5/14 and my Sister has a birthday on 5/27 so this is why we designate one day to celebrate all together.
So since Sal was in the hospital we all gathered around his hospital bed yesterday (Sunday) and did the gift exchanges. I brought in some cup cakes and we all had a nice time. So I guess that helped make things a little better for him. Of course, he always enjoys seeing the Grandkids and his son and Daughter-in-law.
So thanks again all of you. Sal will be home soon and can thank you himself.


Sorry to hear the news about Sal. I hope he get's better soon. Tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us Joan. :cake:


Hang in there Sal, and Happy Birthday! Hopefully you'll be back camping in no time.

Ab Diver

I always knew that gruff exterior hid a real CUP CAKE of a guy inside.  ;)

Take care buddy, hope you are on the mend post haste.


Tell Sal we are sorry to hear he had to spend his birthday in hospital, and hive him 6 hugs from the Quigley's and wish him a speedy recovery


THANKS All, I printed yesterday's wishes and took them to him last night.  I'll do it again for him tonight.  He said to tell you all THANKS.

He got to talk to his doctor yesterday and they are going to keep him until the swelling is completely gone.  Last time they only kept him 4 days and there was still some swelling so who knows how long they will keep him this time.  I hope not too long because we are supposed to go camping at one of our NACO/Thousand Trails affiliates up in Lotus on June 5th.  So he doesn't have much time to get well.  He hates being confined to bed also.  He was complaining last night that his back and rear end were sore from all the laying around.  He is really mad because he won't be able to see the Kings game because the Hospital doesn't get TNN.  I told him I WAS NOT going to bring in the Sattelite stuff!  He said "why not, it's only the dish, the receiver, the cabeling and the TV".   Yea, right!!!!
Anyway, I'll give him all your best wishes tonight.  THANKS AGAIN

Hybrid Holly

Quote from: Calstate361He is really mad because he won't be able to see the Kings game because the Hospital doesn't get TNN.  I told him I WAS NOT going to bring in the Sattelite stuff!  He said "why not, it's only the dish, the receiver, the cabeling and the TV".   Yea, right!!!!

Hope you are feeling better Sal, Go Kings!


Quote from: Hybrid HollyHope you are feeling better Sal, Go Kings!
Ditto what Holly said - Get better soon Sal!:cool:


I just wanted to thank you all. Especially CWB.
It meant a lot and really cheered me up when Joan
brought the printout to me in the hospital.