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An appeal to the NNC membership

Started by Surfcal, Jun 16, 2004, 12:37 PM

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As you all know, General Coughing and Rousing have been with us for a long time.  I think it's time for us to accept the fact that General Coughing and his horse Rousing will be with us for a long time and won't soon go away.

So, I nominate General Coughing and his horse Rousing as honorary members of NNC.  General Coughing and Rousing will be invited to all official rallies (and unofficial ones too!).

I do realize that General Coughing and Rousing don't represent the ideals of NNC and in fact represent our alter-ego.  If we as a group are nice, the General and Rousing are obnoxious.  If NNC is generous, then I know that the General and Rousing are stingy.  If we see the glass as half full, the General sees it as half empty and stale.  Everything we stand for, the General is the antithesis of it.

But, that's what we like about the General and his horse Rousing.  They fulfill the Yin and Yang of life.  I am sure that once you get to know the personality of General Coughing and Rousing, you will accept them as part of the NNC quilt.

In fact, the General will always be part of the campfire and thus, nobody will ever have to sit at the campfire alone any longer, except for General Coughing.  And if we play Zoom, the General will be a silent participant, but his answers will count and he is never wrong.  He will always be in our group pictures and will in fact, be like our own gnome, just present in the background.

General Coughing is indeed a handsome man and of splendid stature, a figure straight out of the Cavalry days and still lives his life as if in those old glory days.  He is still out to protect and ensure the safety of old wagon trains.  After all, our group is a thowback of that old concept and the rallies are nothing more than the circling of wagons.  So it is befitting that General Coughing and Rousing be our guardians, the idea that willl protect us from harm and harsh elements.

Bottom line is, I ask for the General Membership (not a person) to approve the nomination of General Coughing and his horse Rousing as full on members of our dignified group.

I rest my case.



Quote from: SurfcalBottom line is, I ask for the General Membership (not a person) to approve the nomination of General Coughing and his horse Rousing as full on members of our dignified group.
I rest my case.
I second your nomination..... all those in favor, say "aye"  All those opposed can take it up with the General. :swear:


Quote from: Surf-I'm-from-left-field-CalEverything we stand for, the General is the antithesis of it.

I, myself, am my own antithesis, so I vote aye :D


I vote aye, as long as Rousing doesn't make any deposits near our campsite.:eek:


gsm x2

Since General is equivilant to Admirial, I vote "Aye Aye."

But for Rousing, I must vote "Neigh."
gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi Yo Rousing!" General Coughing. "Hi Yo Rousing, away!" With his faithful NNC companion Al Cohol, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains, led the fight for law and order in the early west. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. General Coughing rides again!


Well, I'm sure General Coughing and Rousing will be pleased.  After all, they've been with us all this time and it was just appropriate to make it official.

Along with Arvee, the overall PUT mascot, our "spirits"tual leader Al Cohol and General Coughing & Rousing watching our campgrounds, NNC will deter any negative vibes out there.


Hybrid Holly

Quote from: SurfcalWell, I'm sure General Coughing and Rousing will be pleased.  After all, they've been with us all this time and it was just appropriate to make it official.

Along with Arvee, the overall PUT mascot, our "spirits"tual leader Al Cohol and General Coughing & Rousing watching our campgrounds, NNC will deter any negative vibes out there.


Does this have anything to do with "hore back riding"?


Quote from: Hybrid HollyDoes this have anything to do with "hore back riding"?
Yes, it appears that we are trying to "hore ridding," but do not "ignore" the influence of "general coughing and rousing."


It works for me providing they don't take my campsite!  I've heard stories about both of them.

Ab Diver

Let us not forget some of the other fighting heroes of NNC myth and legend:
Admiral Tironius Quila --  While the culinary adventures of NNC have received rave reviews, the escapades of Admiral T. Quila are not without merit. General Coughing may fight his battles on land,  whereas Admiral T. Quila sails the S.S. (Seven and Seven) Seagram's from the frosty icebound and salty rim of the world to the warm and tropical Isle of Corona. His First Mate Jose Quervo has found fame in his own right, having sunk many a zooming ship in the wee hours of the mourning.
Major Albert Ward --  Those who know Major A. Ward still remember the day his strength of character lead the troops of General Rousing towards a common goal, whereby the NNC web site was voted the number 1 favorite at PUX.
Capt.  Corinthian Clubb Crunch --  Standing alone (and usually only with the aid of something to lean against), Capt. "C.C." Crunch has fought against the injustice of lactate intolerance for years.  Under the guidance of Admiral T. Quila,  Capt. Crunch's leadership at NNC Rally Breakfasts have insured a variety of liquid refreshment is available, up to and including notable selections of Al Cohol's unique form of spiritual evangelism.
Lt. Pah Sing Grade, Jr. -- Where would we be without Lt. (Junior) Grade, who remains unsurpassed in providing fun and games for our little ones? His imagination has provided many laughs and "Kodak moments" worthy of remembrance in the NNC archives.
Sgt. Irwin Nathan Surgence -- The behind-the-lines missions  of Sgt. I.N. Surgence have gone down in NNC history for having scuttled, twisted, and otherwise played havoc with the meaning of meanings at NNC. This maverick has become our most decorated of linguistic rouge warriors, insuring that any mistake is noted, rehashed, and replayed until all the membership is aware of the transgression,  all the while operating in the black world of counter-posting. Without his dogged determination to push it to the limit,  Pulling an Otter, a Sacto, or a Holly would have remained but minor infractions of little note. His top-secret messages left many guessing at the true method of his gamesmanship,  while the boundaries of simple Countdowns and Campfire Games where thrown to the far points of the compass, catching the unwary when they least expect it. Sgt. I.N. Surgence is one of the true unsung heroes of Nick-Neff-Cough


Dude ~
You have way too much time on your hands!  Go Camping!!   ;)
Okay ~ don't go.  I'm laughing out loud at work and it makes everyone wonder what I'm up to!  :D  
Keep up the entertaining work.


Ab Diver, well done.  And since we are all gathered here on this thread to give credit where credit is due, I'd like to add a couple more folks from the NNC folklore that do deserve some notable mentions.

Don't forget Imus P. Freely (I.P. to some) and his buddy Dijon.  They always play a prominent role whenever we get together and Al Cohol is involved.
Tom Morrow is also a great guy, but he's a procrastinator, always putting things off until the next day.
And, how about Blister, who seems to always show up after work.
Thought I'd remind the gang about these folks.


I have one question.  Will the General and his mighty steed have their own campsite or will they "share" with whom ever they choose?  I just spent most of a week camping with horses and they can make a pretty big pile in your campsite :yikes: .  Well I guess it doesn't matter too much and I will vote yea for the pair of the them. :)

gsm x2

Quote from: tlhdocI have one question. Will the General and his mighty steed have their own campsite or will they "share" with whom ever they choose? I just spent most of a week camping with horses and they can make a pretty big pile in your campsite :yikes: . Well I guess it doesn't matter too much and I will vote yea for the pair of the them. :)
You might have noticed over the years that THIS GROUP should be used to pretty big piles around the campsite.  :rolleyes:
gsm x2