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Hello Baby!

Started by towrod, Jun 18, 2004, 04:28 PM

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Welcome to Tyler!  We have missed to SACTOCAMPERS at the recent rallies and look forward to meeting the newest member soon.  Enjoy yourselves.
Debbie, Rod, Nathan and Rachel


And I clearly don't know how to operate this board!!!



It's okay, Debbie!  Now you are totally, fully, to the nth degree a true NNCer! :D  What you have done is created an "ignore" post.  I'm probably going to be the thread "killer" (the last one ever to post on a thread) by posting this to you now but felt you needed some of our awesome NNC support!  :-() :# :!   Remember what they say... Practice makes perfect.  Hope you practice some more real soon!!


Debbie, you are not the first to start a thread by accident, and will not be the last.
According to NNC by-laws, and I quote

#5: Inadvertently starting a topic thread on the PUT Message Board will be known as "Pulling a Holly".

So as you can see Debbie, you have now joined the ranks of the elite few, that have started a thread by accident. ;)

Ab Diver

There's just something weird about having a baby thread by accident. ;)


Quote from: Ab DiverThere's just something weird about having a baby thread by accident. ;)
I hope the proper protection was used!!! :yikes: ;)

gsm x2

Quote from: g-whizI hope the proper protection was used!!! :yikes: ;)
"Ap-parent-ly not," was the pregnant response.


...and then there was a pregnant pause...


Rod towed a Holly!
Rod towed a Holly!
Rod towed a Holly!