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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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Quote from: gsm x2Yeah---but we might have been the last people in America to by a DVD player.  We broke that streak today.  Now she'll be watching movies again.

gsm x2

hmmmmmmm, if you bought one, Scott ... that makes me the last person in America to buy a DVD player.   :D


You guys need Tivo now.  Hard to get along without one.


Quote from: gsm x2Yeah---but we might have been the last people in America to by a DVD player.  We broke that streak today.  Now she'll be watching movies again.

gsm x2

In order to get the full potential from a DVD Scott, you need to now go out and buy a surround sound system, where G can really appreciate 6 channels of sound!! ;)


In fact Scott, you should get G an iPod.  Load up all your music in a device that's about the size of a pack of cigarettes.



Oh, I'm glad I remembered, Scott, you really should get one of those wireless Internet connections (Linksys??) for your house so that you can be anywhere in your house and still connect to PUT.


Quote from: SurfcalOh, I'm glad I remembered, Scott, you really should get one of those wireless Internet connections (Linksys??) for your house so that you can be anywhere in your house and still connect to PUT.

We have 6 TVs and 4 DVD players (for 3 people !!), but there's still nothin' good on  :eyecrazy:  !!!

But I do like the wireless interenet connection. I can sit in my recliner with my laptop and wander the entire internet  :D


Quote from: zymomyzWe have 6 TVs and 4 DVD players (for 3 people !!),

Speaking of excess, remember Y-Guy
Look what he has been up to lately:yikes:

gsm x2

Quote from: Kellyhmmmmmmm, if you bought one, Scott ... that makes me the last person in America to buy a DVD player. :D
Kelly---I hate to be the one to tell you this but Minnesota is actually Baja Canada, so is not really "in America."  That makes G and I the last people "in America" to buy a DVD.


Scott was right; I'm watching movies again!  I would LOVE to have Tivo but for now I have learned how to record onto the VCR tape while I'm at work and while I'm watching another TV channel.  This comes in handy while the World Series is the main event.  The DVD is fun.  I love all the extras.  I have a DVD on my computer, but it is so much more comfortable to be in the living room on the couch.  Scott didn't tell you the other best part, did he?  We also got a new TV... 27 inches!!!  I can see, I can see!  As for surround sound, there is no way in this condo.  We have had to go to all three of our neighbors with adjoining walls and ask them to please turn it down.  The bass actually shakes our floor.  Maybe when we retire to our condo in Michigan.  After all, by then we will probably need all the extra speakers so we can hear it.


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gsm x2

Oh and I was so excited to see that someone had posted something in this thread....but alas, it was only spam.

But we can use it to start "quotes to live by".
Quotes to live by #1.
"Respect the ocean; it has no respect for you."


Quote #2

You can lead a horse to water,

but a pencil must be lead!


"There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."

~Stephen Wright~


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