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Where is AbDiver?

Started by Calstate361, Oct 20, 2004, 09:23 AM

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Some of you may have noticed that Mr. & Mrs. AbDiver have not been posting lately. The last time they were on the boards was back in June or July. Dave was training long and hard to run a marathon for cancer in honor of a friend. He hurt one of his legs and wasn't able to do the marathon so he took his family on a camping trip. That was the last time he posted. Sal and I were gettig worried that something was wrong so I shouted out to him via the Campfire Forum, Sal sent him a private e-mail about a month ago and I sent another private e-mail a week or so ago. Non of which received a reply. We were getting really worried so I called them at home yesterday morning and left a voice mail message. THEY ARE ALIVE AND WELL. Elaine called me last night and said that they thought they were having ISP problems then then figured out that their computer had died. They have purchased a new one and Elaine promises to have it up and running this weekend. They are very busy with the girls and their activies, Elaine has gone back to work full-time, and Dave is busy as usual driving "Brown". Elaine wanted me to post this to tell everyone HI for them and they will be back soon.


Thanks, Joan!  Add me to the list of people who emailed them ...  Glad to know it wasn't something I said  ;) [/FONT]


Ditto - I too was getting worried and am looking forward to seeing Dave and Elaine back on the boards again soon.


I emailed him too and thought I was getting dissed as usual.  Thank God that's not the case again.  I get no respect.


I respect you, Ray.  (wow!  I almost typed that with a straight face!  ;) )[/FONT]

gsm x2

Quote from: SurfcalI emailed him too and thought I was getting dissed as usual. Thank God that's not the case again. I get no respect.
Our own Raydney Dangerfield.
I look forward to having them back on the board.  I love new computers.  :)  I hate computers that break.:swear:


The other day, my camping buddies wanted to pop down a trailer while someone was asleep inside.  I couldn't figure out why they kept calling me someone all day.
I get no respect.  (in honor of the late Rodney Dangerfield)


Quote from: Calstate361They have purchased a new one and Elaine promises to have it up and running this weekend.

Is it the weekend yet? ;)

We sure do miss Dave's posts, and his unique view of life  :D

Hope the new computer is working out well, and you can get the girls away from it long enough so you can log on here to say hello!

We are now having problems stopping our youngest, (who just turned 4) from hogging the computer, and surfing the internet!!
Luckily, it is set up with parential control, and all his favorite sites are bookmarked for him!!


Hi All
 We spoke to Abdiver (Dave and Elaine) this morning.
 Here is the latest info.
 They do not have the DSL hooked up. They are looking for a house in a different neighborhood that does not have CCR's.
 They both said to say Hi to everyone and they are both very busy right now.
 As you all know Dave dives the big brown Santa Truck and Elaine went back to work full time to help with the income for the move.
 They send everyone their best and miss you all, and sent their best wishes for a happy holiday.

gsm x2


Thanks for the update.  Glad to hear that they are doing well.