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Sal is back home

Started by Calstate361, Oct 26, 2004, 08:54 AM

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Just want to pass on a THANKS for all the well wishes and prayers for Sal.  They released him this weekend.   He is still not up to par yet and can't sit for very long so he hasn't even been able to read/catch up on the boards yet.  The Dr. changed his medicine and it seems to be helping him loose the water much better now.  Before he was on Lasix and Aldactone (sp?) and now they have him on that works much better with the Lasix; it starts with a Z (I can't remember the name).  Anyway just since he has been home he has lost another 20 lbs. for a total of 84 lbs. (which includes the 7 liters of fluid they tapped from his stomach last week).  I'm sure he will be able to send his own thanks soon.


Great news!!  Godspeed on his full recovery.  Hey can I "borrow" some of those wonder pills that are making him lose so much weight?


Gwenzella, only if you want to visit the bathroom every 15 minutes and take 30 of them a day!!!  I have told the Dr. I want some also and he just laughed at me????  :eyecrazy:   Thanks for the well wishes.




Please also pass my well wishes on to Sal.  I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to post them earlier, but it's good to hear that he's back home now.


Welcome home, Sal!  Hope you are up and reading the boards soon!  Well, and doing other important stuff.  :D

Hybrid Holly

Give Sal our best!


Sal..Glad to hear that you are home. Rita and I wish you the best!


Thanks all of you for your kind wishes.  I just wanted to post and let you know that we are not ignoring you.  I was waiting for Sal to get back on the Boards and post himself, but he is not feeling up to par yet.  He is tired, has no energy, and his legs are really hurting him.  I think it is because his legs were so swollen and how they are nice an slim that the muscles are working to get back into shape which causes them to hurt.  He has a follow-up Dr. appointment after the Hospital stay next Friday so we will see.  I have to take him in tomorrow for some lab work before the appointment.   I will, at least, keep you posted.



Hey Sal:  HEAL... NOW.. glad things are getting better.  Anything is better than those darn hospitals.  Hope the new meds work for you...
hugs:  Otter