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NNCers Please check in.

Started by SCCS, Oct 28, 2004, 11:13 AM

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Hi everyone I thought I would start this thread so we could find out what everyone is up to. This isn't just for NNC folks but for everyone. I know I haven't seen a few of our members or friends posting for quite awhile, :(  and was wondering how thing's are going.
 For us our last camping trip was to SUNSET BEACH around the middle of August. :(  I have the camping bug and need to let him out, but other thing's get in the way,but we are very happy with the other thing's. We are currently buying a new home on the other side of town that will be ready to move into around the 11th of December. :-()  It has been a real challenge to sell our house and after adding a few  :yikes: GRAY HAIR'S  :yikes: it sold on Monday. :D With the recent rain's the kid's have gotten the sniffle's and a little chest cold,but are doing better. I have been off work for 2 weeks now, and that has given us time to do all the houses paperwork,but will go back to work on Monday. :#
 We are looking forward to OLEMA this February, but hopefully we will be able to get out camping before then. Hope to hear from you all.


Congrats on the new house. I hope it is bigger than the other one?
We were going to do the Redding Rally this month, but due to lack of interest PC Mom had to cancel it (too bad, everyone is just too busy). Our next trip will be with non-NCCer's. We will be camping at a NACO/Thousand Trails (NACO/TT) Resort called "Turtle Beach-Fish Camp". It is the one that is right behind the (old) Manteca Water Slides, located right on the river. It was flooded out several years ago and there was a lot of fighting between the County and NACO/TT and they have just re-opened it up this month. We will be camping with some long time friends that are full-timers during the week of Thanksgiving. Then in December we will be camping at another NACO/TT Resort that we camped at the first part of June called the "Ponderosa" located in Coloma. When we camped there in June it was under Resorts of Distinction (ROD another membeship that we get a discounted membership because we belong to NACO/TT) but NACO/TT has just purchased this Resport also as of this month. We will be camping with a lady friend and her husband that I used to work with. They live close to us and just purchased a ROO in August. If there is a cancellation for the Olema Rally they are on the wait list to go so hopefully everyone will be able to meet them.  So two new places to camp really close to home.
Can't wait to see/camp with other NCCer's and hope we don't have to wait until February for the Olema Rally to see everyone.


Present Scott.

OC Campers

Thanks for this post SCCS.  I was wondering where everyone had gone.  Since our move up north, we haven't been out camping anywhere.  Our last triip out was to Bridgeport for 7 days.  Unfortunately, we had to cut the trip short because or our move.  I am very ready to head out on a camping trip.  We have a trip planned for next weekend to go to Collins Lake up in Oregon House.  I keep hoping and praying that it doesn't rain.  Our popup is starting to look like a "shelf" in the garage.  Everything just gets piled up on it.


Congrats on the new digs!
We moved over to the "Dark Side" in September and went camping up at Van Damme State Park - Great State Park.  This was essentially our first trip with the new Trailer and TV.  I did it up right - got to the park after dark and set up in the rain!  Had to move the trailer twice to get it to fit :D  Kids loved riding the Skunk train in Ft Bragg and hunting for treasure at Glass Beach.  

Our next trip will likely be to SUNSET BEACH at New Years -   Scott/Carrie, we've never been to SUNSET - can you give us the inside scoop?

Happy Halloween :Z


We're still here. Just been having some problems with the computer. I'm ready to toss it and get a new one. It seems to be the least frustrating solution to a computer illiterate like me.


I'm here. Have a new job and the two Sactokids keep me away from the boards and camping. I used to have a 4-day work schedule (10 hour days), but now I'm back to the 5-day schedule...which means I don't know when we're going to get out in the trailer again. There also isn't a whole lot going on at PUT, so I can go longer without checking in. I suppose that's better than what's going on at PUX. It looks like deja vu with all the political threads.


Hi there!
Things have been busy in the Mustang household!  DS has been playing football since the end of July, and the playoffs just started yesterday.  It should be done in a couple weeks.  DD is busy with swim team and school.  We haven't been camping since mid-September, but with the beautiful weather this week, we decided to head out this w/e for SP Taylor State Park in Marin Co.  It's one of our favorite smaller places with redwoods, a pretty creek, nice hiking and a level bike trail.  This is a great time of year there with no fog and few people!

Hope you are doing well.  Congrats on the new house...moving can be stressful, but at least it's temporary!  Try to enjoy it!  Hope to see you all soon!


What a nice surprise to see all the responses to cssc's post.  I haven't been here for over a month.  Where does the time go?  
We have been busy being retired folks. Just got back to nearly amonth with our son in Hawaii.  Tuff life.  We are getting the house painted and "fall cleaning stuff".  Lon has trimmed every plant.bush and tree on the property.  It is now piled 6 feet high in the back yard serving to keep the dogs out to wet lawn/mud patch.  Lucky it is fall/winter I guess.  
OC, I had to chuckle when you said your camper had become a shelf:  Ours too.  I actually, came on tonight to see if  there was a rally after christmas this year and when people were going.  Last year by the time we got there everyone ws sick or leaving.  We want to do something, but not sure what.  It is Lon's busy time at Ano Nuevo and his beloved elephant seals.  
Well, it was nice to get caught yup wtih everyone.  


It's been such a busy year  :eyecrazy: Our first Rally was HalfDome Hyjinx II, since then we've been camping 3 or 4 times with non-ncc ers, to a place in Truckee to dirt bike ride, Olema and to Timber Trails in Avery.  My computer's hard drive had problems, so I was off line for a while and not able to post.  We also took a trip by plane to the Smokey's a few weeks ago.  We had a great time driving through the mountains during the fall color change and seeing family.  Now the Holidays are here, so I probably won't post much.  But we are all doing well and are looking forward to Olema in Feb.  It'll be nice to see people we met at HalfDome and meet new people too.

Darcamps (Darlene)
DH (Dave)
DD (Emily)
Max the Dog
04 Starcraft Antigua Hybrid
pulled by 01 ? Ford 250 Deisel



Well, all 6 Quigs are here and keeping busy.
Now that the kids are back in school, life is really hectic. What with basketball, soccer, scouts, driving 4 kids around is a full time job for Margaret. Luckily she keeps a good spreadsheet of who has to go where and at what time and if we are driving or carpooling. Having 4 kids in school, all with different drop off and pick up times, is a bit challenging.
We hadn't been out camping since August, but managed to get away last weekend for 3 nights, to a local campground, just 10 miles from home.
Getting ready to go camping over Thanksgiving at our favorite spot, Seacliff Beach. Then in 4 weeks, we are all flying home for Christmas. It's been 4 years since we all went back, so we are looking forward to meeting grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins again, (some for the first time), and trying to relax.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, an looking forward to meeting up at Olema!


Quote from: darcampsIt's been such a busy year  :eyecrazy: Our first Rally was HalfDome Hyjinx II, since then we've been camping 3 or 4 times with non-ncc ers, to a place in Truckee to dirt bike ride,

Hi darcamps,
Just wondering where you went riding by Truckee.  We have ATV's and a (borrowed) dirt bike and try to ride/camp at least once a month.  Drop me a PM or let me know here the places you like to go.  We have 3 families in our neighborhood that go riding together.

We are still around and busy like the others.  Went camping last weekend to Frank Raines OHV Park (only OHV park I know with full hookups).  Other than that Dh has put in 60+hr. weeks at work and I am swamped with homework.

Hoping to go camping at Christmas time and we are looking forward to Olema with everyone.


Hi everyone,
 I see that everyone is busy with life just as we have been. Glad to hear from the people that have posted. We still haven't heard from some others and hope to. EVERYONE have a wonderful holiday season. Looking forward to OLEMA. :-()

gsm x2

Here's the news from the gsmx2 household.

G is going back to Michigan for 18 days.  She's going to baby sit Beth and Dean's boys (the family that camped with us at 49er Village), while Beth and Dean travel to China for two weeks to pick up our sixth grandchild, a girl that they are adopting.  I'll join her for 10 days so I'll be there for "the delivery", which I can photograph--no blood.
We haven't been camping for some time and since the entire month of December is taken, it may be Olema before we get out again.
We have been getting out-of-doors with G's new hobby....geocaching.  Hiked a 9-mile trail yesterday and found 3 of the 7 geocaches we were looking for.  Not a very good success rate, but I think we will get better.