5,665 Miles - 36 Days - One Traffic Accident - One Pu Breakdown - One Flat Tire And..

Started by Russinator, May 01, 2005, 10:37 AM

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After 36 days on the road we're back home [Huntington Beach - SoCal]. It was a great trip and the longest to date. In a few days, after I get things taken care of around the house, I'll post a few pictures. The states we visited, in order, are: CA, AZ, NM, TX, LA, MISS, AL, GA, TN, AR, TX, NM, AZ, CA. All together we traveled 5,665 miles and burnt up about 600 gallons of gas. Speaking of gas the highest we paid was $2.66 in Texas and then, 300 miles later [still in Texas], we paid $1.97 for the same 87 octane gas. The average we paid was about $2.17.  

The traffic accident we were involved in was a hit and run [by a drunk driver]. We had just left our daughter's house in LA, we were driving north on the interstate, we had 8 days to go 800 miles. We were on our way to Tennessee to see my sisters, when it happened. A young lady, in her early 20s side swiped our TV. Then she took off, trying to get away. I gave chase but 15 seconds later decided that wasn't a good idea, besides, with the rig I was driving, I had no change of catching her. FYI: my TV is a class B motor home [2003 extended ford van] and I was loaded down and pulling a Niagara PU. We drove about 2 miles to the next off ramp, the TV drove good and I felt safe continuing down the road, but I wanted to stop in a safe location to check the damage. As luck would have it, at the bottom of the off ramp there was a red light with two lanes of traffic. Three cars back, in the left lane, was the car that had hit us and the driver was out of her car checking it for damage. I drove over the curb, parked next to her, boxing her in. When she saw us she jumped back in her car, put it in gear but wasn't able to go anyplace [red light and traffic]. My wife jumped out of the TV and they were yelling at each other. I jumped out, ran around to protect my wife who didn't need any help, she was holding her own. Then I saw the lady's ID sitting on her seat so I grabbed it before she was able to drive off. Then the police arrived, took our report, arrested her, towed her car and gave us the info so we could get a copy of the police report.

The PU breakdown, as it turned out, was a very easy fix. But it took us 90 minutes to get to the repair shop, 30 minutes to repair and 90 minutes to get back to our daughter's house. Our PU is new and still under warrantee so I called Fleetwood to see what to do. They said the closest repair shop to Lake Charles was 90 minutes away, that they'd call them so the repair people would know we were on our way. The problem turned out to be nothing more than a cotter key had fallen out and the top wouldn't go up or down.

The flat tire was on the TV. It happened one day two of our trip. We went to bed on day one, when we got up the next morning the front right tire was flat. There was a nail in the tire and it was an easy fix.

Talk about wind - we had a big problem with the wind [most of the time] on this trip. We took this trip at this time of the year because we wanted to see the states that we were going to visit with the wild flowers, dogwoods, etc - in full bloom. That part of the plan worked out perfectly, the flowers were exceptional. However, we didn't think about the fact that it's tornado season in the areas that we were visiting. Out of the 36 days that we were away, there were 6 nights, due to the weather [wind], that we weren't able to use the PU. Four nights we got a motel room and 2 nights we slept in the van. My rig gets blown around with wind and not good [as a TV] for that reason. However, slowing down solved that problem and, in addition, gave us better gas mileage.

I'll end my report at this time. I have several things to take care of around the house. After those things are taken care of I'll post my best pictures on my web page. In case anyone wants to see them, I'll let you all know when they're ready to be seen.

It was a great trip and I'm looking forward to the Lake Francis trip on the 13th of this month.

OC Campers

Wow Russ, that is some excitement.  I am so glad the police arrested the girl and that you and Donna are safe.  Looking forward to seeing your pictures and talking about the trip at Lake Francis.



Wow, what a trip. Glad the flowers were great and you got back safely.


WOW , I'm glad you made it home safe..what an adventure, I hope I don't have that much excitement as you did...I thinking whether or not I should tell DH your story :yikes:  maybe when I get back...
see you camping soon

Chez Way

What an adventure!  I'm so glad you caught up to that hit and run driver. What could she have been arguing about with your wife???  I didn't do it?  Jeeeze!

gsm x2

Quote from: Chez WayWhat an adventure! I'm so glad you caught up to that hit and run driver. What could she have been arguing about with your wife??? I didn't do it? Jeeeze!
It's the rare case where a DUI Hit and Run driver will start a conversation with an apology.
gsm x2


Russ, we can relate with the tire problem.   Last year on the way to Half Dome/Yosemite we were just out of Sacramento/Elk Gove and blew a tire.  Then crossing the bridge on Hwy 120 going through Manteca we blew another tire.  Luckly just past the left turn was a Tire Store so we pulled in there.  Fortunately the person checking the tires noticed that another tire was about to go so we ended up purchasing 3 tires!   Thank God for credit cards!   Anyway, we were supposed to get to Yosemite Lakes around 2-3:00 p.m but didnt' get there until almost 9:00 p.m. so we simi set up in the dark. Boy was that a long day.
Glad you made it home in one piece.


Russ, We are going to be making almost the same trip come October. We will be going from So-Cal, to AZ,NM,TX,AR,TN-TN,AR,TX,NM,AZ SoCal..

Any recomendations or suggestions? We will be going to the Panhandle area of texas, so our route will be on the 40.
We only intend to stay in AZ one night each way, then one night in NM each way. Two nights in Quanah TX each way and 2 nights in Mt. Pleasant TX each way. The leave the pop-up in Mt Pleasant TX at the in-laws, then head to Chatanooga for a few days with out the pop-up. We are thinking along the lines of 14-16 days this time around. Hopefully our fuel costs will be less than yours :)



Hello Mark. Later this afternoon, when my wife gets back, I'll go over our trip with her and write you with both of our recommendations. It sounds like we have plenty of time; you're not going until October? - Russ