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Well Wishes, Jackie (OC Camper)

Started by Calstate361, Dec 21, 2005, 08:39 AM

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Quote from Jackie/OC Camper:
"I ended up going back to work full time in August and unfortunately it is retail. I am a cashier at our local Super Wally World. Luckily/unluckily? I am currenty out on disability (due to unforseen female issues) so I missed the crazy holiday shopping. In fact my Christmas present to myself is major surgery on 12/27/05. I will be out of commission till the end of Feb 2006. This will definately cramp our camping schedule. Don't worry guys, I still want to try and get another Francis Lake rally together. It just may not be till later in the year."
Sorry to hear about your surgery, hope everything goes well for you.  Keep us posted on your recovery.

OC Campers

Thank you Joan, I will do that.  



Jacqui--You have our prayers for you and your doctors. May your surgery go well, may you heal quickly, and may your family wait on you hand-and-foot.
(Well, 2 out of 3 may not be too bad...) ;)
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Hugs to you, girlfriend!!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


We would love to do a Francis with everyone, provided you're able to!

If you need to "loan" the kids out (to get rid of them for a weekend), we're pretty sure we can cram them in the back bed of the camper for a weekend!  :D

OC Campers

Quote from: zamboniWe would love to do a Francis with everyone, provided you're able to!
If you need to "loan" the kids out (to get rid of them for a weekend), we're pretty sure we can cram them in the back bed of the camper for a weekend! :D
Be careful what you offer!!:D


Good Luck and heal fast...thoughts prayers and Big hugs coming at ya.....

OC Campers

Thanks Dee, I need them!!



Good Luck tomorrow...I'll be thinking of you, let us know how you are doing.

OC Campers

I just wanted to let everyone know I am home safe and sound.  I spent 3 days in the hospital and was quite ready to head home today.   I am in a lot of pain but nothing I can't take care of with medication.



Hey, margaritas all around. Heal quickly and let the family take care of you and clean the kitchen.

Best to you,
Moose & Moosette


Good for you Jacqui!  You'll heal in no time!  



glad to hear yopu're home and surgery went well now grab a book and's the families turn to wait on you