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RE: People Joking about our military needs

Started by cooncreekers, Mar 08, 2003, 09:54 AM

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 Firefyter-EmtFor those in support of our troops and our country:
 Rally For America]
 I am not a listener of this radio personality, but I was informed by a friend that there are rallys taking place in support of our troops in several US cities.


 Firefyter-EmtMy Turn...
 1st - Let us ALL remember that the reason we can have this debate is strickly and solely because thousands of men and women died to keep us free.  If we as a country choose to wait for 12 plus years of proof from Germany or Japan, this is a right we would no longer enjoy.  So if you don t agree with the war, that is your choice.  Just remember that it is because of these men and women that you have that choice.  
 2nd - This is not about a current or past President.  It is about 3 simple questions; 1) Does Sadaam have nuclear and / or biological weapons?  The answer is a resounding and undebatable yes.  2)  Do you believe he would use them without provokation against others, even his own people?  This question has also already been answered by Sadaam.  3)  Do we wait to take action until he attacks first and kills hundreds or thousands?  This is honestly the toughest question.  We are being asked to predict the future and that is dangerous.  But that is why we elect leaders.  Sadaam has proven for many years that his leadership involves a lack of respect for human life (and rights).  Due to his history, it is resonable to assume that he would use weapons in the future to strike.
 3rd - This leads me to a final point.  It is interesting that the exact same democratic party and it s leaders that criticized President Bush and the administration for not stopping 9/11 are now criticizing him for trying to stop another potential threat.  You can not ask to wait for proof and then complain when the proof flies into your towers that we did nothing to stop it.  If we had the knowledge, do you think we would have stopped Pearl Harbor from happening and stopped Japan in it s tracks?  If we knew Hitler was going to commit genocide, would we have taken him out before he had the chance to start?  For a change, we have a fairly good idea where this will lead in time with Sadaam.  Do we stop him before or after he committs a terrible act?  
 In closing, regardless of your views on the war, this should be made clear.  ALL in this country need to support our troops.  Don t like the war, fine.  That is your choice.  Bad mouth or troops, and now you have croosed the line into being unpatriotic and unamerican.  Then, it is simply time for you to leave this country.   Men and women have given their lives so that you have the right to disagree with war.  All of us, regardless of our feelings on this war, must show 100% support for these men and women.  They are doing a job that most people (specifically the hollywood crowd) don t have the courage to do.  Our service men and women and heroes becaause they died for something larger then themselves, OUR freedom! And for that, they will ALWAYS have my unwavering support, respect, and prayers.  God help us ALL through this, and God watch over all who defend us.  I owe them my freedom.  Never forget their sacrafice.


QuoteFor those in support of our troops and our country:
 Rally For America

 Thank You very much for this.  I will be attending the Rally in Richmond, Virginia on March 23, 2003.  Anyone else attending?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Mahaffey-Family
QuoteFor those in support of our troops and our country:
 Rally For America

 Thank You very much for this.  I will be attending the Rally in Richmond, Virginia on March 23, 2003.  Anyone else attending?

 The closest rally for us is in Philly and it s this weekend. Unfortunately, my friends and I won t be able to attend, but we ll be there in spirit! [:)]


 Firefyter-EmtIf any of you can ever catch one of Glenn Becks shows he is great.. I listen to his show every day (easy when you drive all day)  Major media bias on his eairler rallys.. In TX they had 10,000 and a couple hunderd anti war protesters, protesting close by.. How did the head line read?? " Thousands turn out for pro & anti war rallys"  (Made you thing the odds were even.. Tehn they have a bunch of quotes from the anti-war protesters and none from the other side)  Not even to mention it was not a " Pro-War rally"    Like Glenn Beck says " What kind of person is pro-war?? That is sick.. nobody should want war, war is hell.. but sometimes it needs to be fought, not savored"


 I m really sorry you guys, I know this is a very serious matter, and I m not trying to hijack the thread or ridicule anyone here, but I saw this and just had to do it.  Just to lighten the spirits a little.....
 Inspection Teams....
 >> Have you noticed anything fishy about the inspection teams
 >> who have arrived  in Iraq?  They re all men!
 >> How in the name of the United Nations does anyone expect
 >> men to find Saddam s stash? We all know that men have a
 >> blind spot when it comes to finding things. For crying  out loud!
 >> Men can t find the dirty clothes hamper. Men can t find the jar
 >> of jelly until it falls out of the cupboard and splatters on the floor
 >> .... and these are the people we have sent into Iraq to search for
 >> hidden weapons of mass destruction?
 >> I keep wondering why groups of mothers weren t sent in.
 >> Mothers can sniff out secrets quicker than a drug dog can
 >> find a gram of dope. Mothers can find gin bottles that dads
 >> have stashed in the attic beneath the rafters. They can sniff
 >> out a diary two rooms and one floor away. They can tell
 >> when the lid of a cookie jar has been disturbed and notice
 >> when a quarter inch slice has been shaved off a chocolate
 >> cake. A mother can smell alcohol on your breath before
 >> you get your key in the front door and can smell cigarette
 >> smoke from a block away. By examining laundry, a mother
 >> knows more about their kids than Sherlock Holmes. And
 >> if a mother wants an answer to question, she can read an
 >> offenders eyes quicker than a homicide detective.
 >> So... considering the value a mother could bring to an
 >> inspection team, why  are we sending a bunch of old men
 >> who will rely on electronic equipment to scout out hidden
 >> threats? My mother would walk in with a wooden soup spoon
 >> in one hand, grab Saddam by the ear, give it a good twist and
 >> snap, " Young man, do you have any weapons of mass
 >> destruction?"  And God help him if he tried to lie to her. She d
 >> march him down the street to some secret bunker and shove
 >> his nose into a nuclear bomb and say, " Uh, huh, and what do
 >> you call this, mister?"  Whap! Thump! Whap! Whap! Whap!
 >> And she d lay some stripes across his bare bottom with that
 >> soup spoon, then march him home in front of the whole of
 >> Baghdad. He d not only come clean and apologize for lying
 >> about it, he d cut every lawn in Baghdad for free for the whole
 >> damn summer.
 >> Inspectors my ass... You want the job done?  Call my mother!


 Well said.  And if there was no objection, I could send my mom as well.  She had a thing for the pancake flipper that had star shape slots in it.  Between your mom s stripes and my mom s stars, Sadaam would have a nice flag on his butt.  Let s remember that sometimes it is good to laugh a bit.

Acts 2:38 girl

 Firefyter-Emt[:D] OH MY GOSH TONI!!!  I love it!!  I still have tears in my eyes!!  [:D] [:D] [:D]
 I am going to e-mail that to everyone I know!!
QuoteInspectors my butt... You want the job done? Call my mother!              

 had to change the wording a bit, but I love it!!  [:D] [:D] [:D]